A pedal socket has a radius of 4 in and the wheel socket has a radius of 2 in. The wheel has a radius of 13 in. The cyclist pedals at 30rpm
Find the angular speed of the socket.
Find the speed of the bicycle- (assuming the weel turns the same as the wheel socket)
A communications tower is located at the top of a steep hill, as shown. The angle of inclination of the hill is 58°. A guy wire is to be attached to the top of the tower and to the ground, 150 m downhill from the base of the tower. The angle α in the figure is determined to be 7°. Find the length of cable required for the guy wire. (Round your answer to the nearest meter.)
All I know is that this question has something to do with law of sine and that's all.
Thank you!
2 answers
Sorry I accidentally submitted my question here.