A coin is tossed. If a head appears, a spinner that can land on any of the numbers from 1 to 4 is spun. If a tail appears, the coin is tossed a second time instead of spinning the spinner. What are the possible outcomes?
1) (T, H), (H, H), (H, 1), (H, 2), (H, 3), (H, 4)
2) (T, H), (H, H), (T, 1), (T, 2), (T, 3), (T, 4)
3) (T, H), (T, T), (H, 1), (H, 2), (H, 3), (H, 4)
4) (T, H), (T, T), (T, 1), (T, 2), (T, 3), (T, 4)
Please help me out i believe it is 3 but im not sure
1 answer
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