Multiply #1 by 2 or 3 to obtain results for #2 and #3.
b. Same for H2O2.
Look up the Law of Multiple Proportions.
A chemist decomposes several samples of carbon monoxide into carbon and oxygen and weighs the resultant elements. The results are shown below:
Sample Mass of Carbon Mass of Oxygen
1 6 8
2 12 16
3 18 24
Do you notice a pattern in these results?
Next, the chemist decomposes several samples of hydrogen peroxide into hydrogen and oxygen. The results are shown below:
Sample Mass of Hydrogen Mass of Oxygen
1 0.5 8
2 1 16
3 1.5 24
Part B
Do you notice a similarity between these results and those for carbon monoxide in part a?
Formulate a law from the observations in a and b.
Formulate a hypothesis that might explain your law in c
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