Convert 4110 rpm to radians per second, and divide the result by 11.6 s.
The dimensions of the angular acceleration will be radians/sec^2
A centrifuge is a common laboratory instrument that separates components of differing densities in solution. This is accomplished by spinning a sample around in a circle with a large angular speed. Suppose that after a centrifuge in a medical laboratory is turned off, it continues to rotate with a constant angular deceleration for 11.6 s before coming to rest.
(a) If its initial angular speed was 4110 rpm, what is the magnitude of its angular deceleration?
3 answers
thank you, I initially thought of doing that but it was the wrong answer. Thank you though!
Did you get 430 rad/s for the initial angular velocity?
That actually sounds low for a modern centrifuge.
That actually sounds low for a modern centrifuge.