A carpenter was putting up a shelf. The shelf needed to be 86 cm long, but the piece of wood he had was 1m and 26 cm long. His saw was 33cm long . How much did he have to cut off the piece of wood to make it fit?
4 answers
What does the size of the saw matter?
1 meter = 100 cm
126 - 86 = ?
1 meter = 100 cm
126 - 86 = ?
can you answer this :
2. A carpenter was putting up a shelf. The shelf needed to be exactly 96 centimeters long but the piece of wood he had was 1 meter and 26 centimeters long. How much did he cut off the piece of wood to make it exactly 96 centimeters?
2. A carpenter was putting up a shelf. The shelf needed to be exactly 96 centimeters long but the piece of wood he had was 1 meter and 26 centimeters long. How much did he cut off the piece of wood to make it exactly 96 centimeters?
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