a=dv/dt= -b+2ct =-0.31+2.1•10⁻³•36=
=-0.2344 m/s²
P=Fv=ma•v = 1264•0.2344•18.36 = 5439.7 W
A car with a mass of 1264 kg is coasting in neutral on a straight,level road. It slows down, and its speed as a function of time is given by the equation:
v(t) = a − bt + ct2
Constant Value Units
a 26.8 m/s
b 0.310 m/s2
c 2.10*10^-3 m/s2
At a time of 36.0 s the speed, as given by the above equation, is 18.36 m/s. Calculate the power which the engine must deliver (to compensate for air resistance and rolling resistance) in order to maintain that speed.
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