A car is climbing a hill and accelerating at a constant rate of 0.3 g as it does so. Φ=10°. What is the steady state value of θ, the angle made by a mass hung from a cord that’s attached to the rearview mirror.
2 answers
arctan(a/g) is added to 10deg
force parallel to slope = .3 g m + m g sin 10 down slope = .474 m g
force normal to slope = m g cos 10 =.985 m g
tan angle relative to normal to slope = .474/.985 = .481
angle relative to normal to slope (straight down in the car) = 25.7 degrees or 15.7 degrees from direction to earth center
force normal to slope = m g cos 10 =.985 m g
tan angle relative to normal to slope = .474/.985 = .481
angle relative to normal to slope (straight down in the car) = 25.7 degrees or 15.7 degrees from direction to earth center