generally, air resistance drag is proportional to the square of velocity.
a. double speed, air resistance goes up by two squared, or 4*277N
b. speed up by 32/9.7 (3.3), so resittance goes up be a factor 0f 3.3^2
c. constant speed, then air resistance equals mg..
speed up up by (40.2/32.8) so resistance is now (40.2/32.8)^2 * 85*g, which is the weight of the friend
A car drives at 15 m/s and has an air resistance force of 277 N. What is the air resistance force at 30 m/s?
A truck drives at 9.7 m/s and has an air resistance force of 380 N. What is the air resistance force at 32 m/s?
A 85.0 kg skydiver is falling at a constant speed of 32.8 m/s. What is his air resistance force?
His friend has an identical parachute, but falls at a constant 40.2 m/s. What is the friend's mass?
1 answer