Considering that the speeds are in two different units, we have to convert. The conversion rate from km/h to m/s is 1 to 0.277778.
So the car's speed is 15 m/s.
The distance between the car and the truck is 60000 m.
This problem can be solved using a system of equations. Such as:
y = 15x - 60000 //The car.
y = 10x //The truck.
"x" is the time in seconds.
Using a graphing calculator and finding the point at which the two lines intersect, "x" is equal to 12000 seconds or 200 minutes or roughly 3 * (1/3) hours.
a car at 54 km\h is 60 km behind a truck traveling at 10 m\s. how long will it take the car to reach the truck?
1 answer