A block of mass M1positioned on a slope (at an angle ) is connected by
means of an inextensible wire, of negligible mass, to another mass, m2,
suspended from a frictionless pulley. The coefficients of static and dynamic
friction between the slope and M1are 0.3 and 0.2 respectively
(a) Determine the mass of m2for M1to be about to move downthe slope.
(b) Determine the mass of m2for M1to be about to move upthe slope.
(c) Once M1is moving up the slope, determine its acceleration.
(d) After m2falls through a distance of 30 cm, what is the velocity of M1?
2 answers
it is not clear to me if M2 is tending to pull it up or down, as the position of the pulley is not stated.
is there any way i can get ur email so i can send the pic of the question