C glacial till
A biome is an area that has a certain type of rainfall, temperature, and vegetation. The soil type of a biome is important when considering potential food supply or support for building structures. Pennsylvania has several soil types including glacial till, sandy loam, silt loam and coastal sand. Glacial till is a mixture of coarse clay and rock particles found in northwest Pennsylvania left behind from the receding of the glaciers. Sandy loam is found in north-central Pennsylvania. It drains and tills easily. It has a smooth texture which makes it ideal for garden soil. Silty loam soil consists of particles smaller than sand, and is found on riverbanks and shores. Coastal sandy soil is found around the city of Philadelphia. The sand particles are larger than in silt soil, allowing water to drain from the soil.
What type of soil is a mixture of coarse clay and rock particles found in northwest Pennsylvania?
A silt loamsilt loam
B sandy loamsandy loam
C glacial tillglacial till
D coastal sand
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