A biologist made population counts of four different species of animals in an ecosystem. What can you infer from these numbers about possible predator-prey relationships between the species?

Species A:155
Species B:17
Species C:2467
Species D:19
A.Species A could be a predator of Species C.
B.Species B could be a predator of Species D
C.Species C could be a predator of Species D
D.Species D could be a predator of Species B.

13 answers

I agree.
wait u agree with what
the answer is C because that is the biggest amount of preator and D would just be demolished
idk, sorry.
I think it is a because it is the two big numbers
What if the biggest number was just a lot of frogs and the smallest number was a lot of huge gorillas

Dont asume that the biggest number will be the greatest.
(lol yeah bruh! *facepalm* I was thinking the largest # had to be insects since all the others were relatively low.
ugh has anyone found the test answers?
like what has anyone found the test answers?
we are waiting........... (¬_¬ )
The answer is A.
1. They share the same niche
2. the snake and lizard use the same limiting resource
3. Biodiversity and ecosystem health will both decrease
4. Skunks and toads have a preadetor prey relationship
5. its skin helps it escape predation
6. Species A could be preadetor to speicies C
7. Parasitism
8. The extinct species was a parasite in a parasistic realoationship with the surviving species
9. It results from instinct
10. Web spinning
11. migrating for warmth
12. They are keystone seicies
13. as biodiversity increases, humans receive increased benefits
14. habitat destruction
15. carbon dioxide
16. reverse
17. ozone layer
18. nonpoint source
19. cost-benefit
20. limiting factor
21.land fills
23. succession
24,25 figure out ur damn self