A bar has a constant cross sectional area A. The bar is devided in 2 segments segment 1 (1/3 of the bar) and segment 2 (2/3 of the bar). Segment 1 is made of a material with mass density ρ and Young's modulus E. Segment 2 is made of a different material, with density 0,5*ρ and Young's modulus 2E. The bar is fixed at the floor at point C, at x=L, and at the ceiling, B, at x=0. Total bar has a length of L.
Note 1: The bar deforms under its own weight. For a material with density ρ, gravity results in a load per unit volume ρ*g.
Note 2: The gravity load on both segments of the bar as densities are different but comparable.
Note 3: No other load is applied.
Question 1:
Find a symbolic expression for the distributed load per unit length due to gravity (use the terms of ρ, g & A)
You have to find 2 expressions(!)
My comment:
If i'm not mistaken the first expression is for 0≤x<L/3 and second for L/3<x≤L
Question 2:
Find a symbolic expression for the reaction RCx at the support C (use the terms ρ, g, A & L)
Question 3:
Find a symbolic expression for the axial force in the bar N(x) (use the terms ρ, g, A, L & x)