A back-to-back stem-and-leaf plot showing the points scored be each player on two different basketball teams is shown below.

Team 1 | | Team 2
4 3| 0| 4 9
9 8 2 0| 1|0 1 7
6 1| 2|3 3 8
Key: 4|0|2 means 4 points for Team 1 2points for team 2

What is the median number of points scored for each team?
A. Median for team 1:15
Median for team 2:11
B. Median for team 1:12
Median for team 2:11
C. Median for team 1:18
Median for team 2:17
D. Median for team 1:15
Meidan for team 2:14
Is the answer A?
Thank you

10 answers

was it A?
No, the answer is not A
how about instead of telling them, they are wrong. help them out??
Same could be said for you, if they don't help, why don't you?

Maybe they didn't know the answer? Stop being arrogant.
I think the answer is C but I'm not sure.
I'm begging you!! WHAT IS IT?!
Who cares. I'll tell you in 10.
Who knew! It's D, Team 1: 15 and Team 2 14
No one helps around these parts anymore.
hahahahha yea it gets kind of disappointing