a baby ours polaire (polar bear) and a baby loup (wolf) in french1 ASAP! and if u can a french animal with thease letters in its name : l u u v e a t e o

and another with these letters:m a c n h o
thank you for your help!!!
answers ASAP

A good website you could try is called Babel Fish Translation and it translates a LOT of languages for you. I would bookmark it, it's a keeper for sure :-)

babel . altavista . com

Is my above post suitable? I don't want to get into trouble. Thx

I didn't go to the site and look at it but I don't think there is a problem with posting information for another student, as long as it isn't personal information.


Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. A polar bear cub = ourson blanc
a wolf cub = un louveteau

The 9 letters you list probably are meant to be the 8 letters in louveteau

Are you sure there is a French animal with the letters: aochmn Please check those letters!

P.S. Because you said baby polar bear = un petit ours blanc

Could the "m" in the 2nd one be a "c" because if so it's a kitten = chaton