To find out how many days it will take for the baby elephant to weigh a total of 224 pounds, we can start with its initial weight and then determine how much weight it will gain.
- Initial Weight: The baby elephant weighs 150 pounds at birth.
- Target Weight: We want to find out how many days it will take to reach 224 pounds.
- Current Weight: We need to calculate the weight gain required to reach 224 pounds: \[ \text{Weight Gain Required} = \text{Target Weight} - \text{Current Weight} = 224, \text{pounds} - 150, \text{pounds} = 74, \text{pounds} \]
- Weight Gain Per Day: The elephant gains 2 pounds per day.
- Calculate Days Required to Gain 74 Pounds: \[ \text{Days Required} = \frac{\text{Weight Gain Required}}{\text{Weight Gain Per Day}} = \frac{74, \text{pounds}}{2, \text{pounds/day}} = 37, \text{days} \]
So, it will take 37 days for the baby elephant to weigh a total of 224 pounds.