a.) All the compunds are electrolytes, although not all of them are strong electrolytes. Compunds C and D are ionic and compund B is covalent.
b.) Nitrogen occurs in its highest possible oxidation state in compunds A and C; nitrogen occurs in its lowest oxidation state in compunds C,D, and E. The formal charge on both nitrogen in compund C is +1; the formal charge on the only nitrogen in compund B is 0.
c.) Compund A and E exist in solution. Both solutions give off gases. Comercially available concentrated solutions of compund A are normally 16 M. The commercial, concentrated solution of compound E is 15 M.
d) Commercial solutions of compund E are labeled witha misnomer that implies that a binary, gaseous compund of nitrogen and hydrogen reacted with watert to produce ammonium ions and hydroxide ions. Actually this reaction occurs to only a slight extent.
e) Compound D is 43.7% N and 50.0% O by mass.
f) A formula unit of compund C has one more oxygen than a formula unit of compound D. Compounds C and A have one ion in common when compound A is acting as the strong electrolyte.
g) Solutions of C are weakly acidic; solutions of compound A are strongly acidic; solutions of compound B and E are basic. The titration of .726 g of compound B requires 21.98 ml of 1.000 M HCl for complete neutralization.
These are the answers i have do far, if you have any input let me know
C) ?
D) H2NO3
E) NH3
A is correct.
B is correct.
E is correct.
D is not correct. 43.7%N, 50.0%O, and 6.3%H gives H2NO.
C has one ion in common with A. Since A is HNO3, that makes D likely NH4NO3 since it contains N in it highest oxidation state (+5) AND in its lowest oxidation state (-3. Confirm with information from D. D has 1 less O per formula weight than C. Therefore, if C is NH4NO3, then D would be NH4NO2 and that would be N2H4O2 which is just twice the empirical formula of H2NO.
Case solved.
I made a typo in the above. "C has one ion in common with A. Since A is HNO3, that make C (should be C and not D)likely NH4NO3". D is NH4NO2 since it contains one less O per formula unit than C.
Thanks for the help
3 answers