A 50g mass (M1) will be attached to the trolley M2) and will cause it to accelerate a distance of between .5 to .6m. You also catch the trolley immediately after it has passed through the photogate. The time for the trip will be noted and recorded. The trolley is on a track. The trolley is also attatched to M1(the 50g mass) what is attatched together by a string. The string runs through a pulley and the 50g mass is suspended. The string and track are also parallel. (I hope this made sense)
1)What is the theoretical relationship between impulse and momentume change?
Would It be that Ft = the change in momentum?
2)Use the data from the first trial to show how impulse and momentum change were found.
M1= .05 kg where M2=.5026 kg, vi=0, vf=1.120, pi=0, pf=.6189, t=1.73s,
I have a question what would Force be given the above information? I know that gravity acted on it but how would I find force?
3) What impulse was imparted on M2 by the end of its run for the first trial?
i know that impulse is F*t but how would I find the impulse of M2 with the same information as above?
4) Is the force, F, really the net force that acted on the system? Please explain your answer.
I don't think that F is the only net force would friction be another force? Are there any other forces acting on it?
I really appreciate your help. Thank you so much for your time.
correct on 1). However, you have to be careful...both the mass and the trolley are changing momentum, so F*time= total change in momentum.
2) The force is gravity pulling on the 50 gram mass (Force= .050*g)
The impluse is .050*9.8*1.73
3)see above.
4) Friction is indeed a real force.