A 200-300 word essay on cabeza de vaca

6 answers


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Two small arrays have been combined to make a big array. What are the dimensions and product of the big array: Fill in the equation that shows this big array broken into two small arrays. 10 x 6 10 x 5 = ?
Two small arrays have been combined to make a big array. What are the dimensions and product of the big array: Fill in the equation that shows this big array broken into two small arrays. 10 x 6 10 x 5 = ?. Draw an array for 12x7. (You don/t ahve to draw all the boxes inside, just the shape and the dimensions.) How would you breck up this array into two smaller arrays? Show your two smaller arrays on your drawing. Then fill in the equation and solve the problem.
two small arrays have been combined to make a big array.What are the dimension and product of the big array?fill in the equation that shows this big array broken into two small arrays.
k thanks for the help
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