To convert 8 pounds to grams using the conversion factors provided in the table, you would first convert pounds to kilograms and then convert kilograms to grams, since there isn't a direct conversion from pounds to grams listed.
Here are the relevant conversion factors you can use:
- 1 pound = 0.45 kilograms (first convert pounds to kilograms)
- 1 kilogram = 1,000 grams (then convert kilograms to grams)
So, the steps are:
Convert 8 pounds to kilograms: \[ 8 \text{ pounds} \times 0.45 \text{ kilograms/pound} = 3.6 \text{ kilograms} \]
Convert kilograms to grams: \[ 3.6 \text{ kilograms} \times 1,000 \text{ grams/kilogram} = 3,600 \text{ grams} \]
Thus, you can use both of the following conversion factors to find the weight in grams:
- 1 pound = 0.45 kilograms
- 1 kilogram = 1,000 grams
If the options indicate any additional unnecessary conversion factors or conversions that do not directly relate (like converting to tons), those may not be necessary to check. The essential ones are the two indicated above.