A 1992 finding by researchers Dickinson et al. about the language prompts used by low-income caregivers revealed a need for training in:
A. approaches for eliciting more referential language and labels.
B. expanding question formats to obtain a child's elaborations and predictions.
C. strategies for increasing frequency of story-reading events.
D. ways of modeling reading to instill a sense of pleasure in the activity.
Would D be the most appropriate
4 answers
Have you read what Dickinson et al have written? I haven't, but if you've read it, you shouldn't have trouble answering this.
yes i read a little in the text
I would go with B
I would go with B also, if you want the right answer.
Answer D is correct, except it has nothing to do with prompts.
C is correct, except it has nothing to do with prompts.
Answer A is nonsense, and it reads like a professor gone wild.
That leaves B. Good choice.
Answer D is correct, except it has nothing to do with prompts.
C is correct, except it has nothing to do with prompts.
Answer A is nonsense, and it reads like a professor gone wild.
That leaves B. Good choice.