south momentum = 1900 * 13.6 = 25840
east momentum = 3854 * 9.8 = 37769
same after of course
mass = 1900+3854 = 5754
south momentum = 5754 Vs = 25840
Vs = 4.49 m/s
east momentum = 5754 Ve = 37769
Ve = 6.56 m/s
V = sqrt (Vs^2+Ve^2) = 7.95 m/s
tan angle E of S = Ve/Vs = 6.56/4.49
angle E of S = 55.6
180 - 55.6 = 124 degrees heading or about southeast by east
A 1900 kg Oldsmobile traveling south on Abbott Road at 13.6 m/s is unable to stop on the ice covered intersection for a red light at Saginaw Street. The car collides with a 3854 kg truck hauling animal feed east on Saginaw at 9.8 m/s. The two vehicles remain locked together after the impact. Calculate the velocity of the wreckage immediately after the impact. Give the speed for your first answer and the compass heading for your second answer.
2 answers