You want the solubility expressed as g/mL. So
1.0g/300 mL = 0.333 g/100 mL. Right?
And 1.0 g/17 mL is
1/17 = about 0.06 g/mL or approx 6 g/100 mL.
Then Ko/a = approx 6/0.333 = about ? in which Ko/a is the partition coefficient of organic/aqueous.
A 1.0 gram sample of aspirin will dissolve in 300 mL of water and in 17 mL of chloroform at 25 deg C.
a. What is the solubility of aspirin in each solvent expressed in g/mL? (show your calculations)
I don't know where to start, does the molecular weight come into play (180.157g/mol - aspirin)
b. What is the partition coefficient of aspirin between chloroform and water?
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