significant consequences of the Agricultural Revolution.

The British Agricultural Revolution was the cause of drastic changes in the lives of British women. Before the Agricultural Revolution, women worked alongside their husbands in the fields and were an active part of farming. The increased efficiency of the new machinery, along with the fact that this new machinery was often heavier and difficult for a woman to wield, made this unnecessary and impractical, and women were relegated to other roles in society. To supplement the family's income, many went into cottage industries. Others became domestic servants or were forced into professions such as prostitution. The new, limited roles of women, dubbed by one historian as "this defamation of women workers", (Valenze) fueled prejudices of women only being fit to work in the home, and also effectively separated them from the new, mechanized areas of work, leading to a divide in the pay between men and women.

The Agricultural Revolution in Britain proved to be a major turning point in history. The population in 1750 reached the level of 5.7 million. This had happened before: in around 1300 and again in 1650. Each time, the appropriate agricultural infrastructure to support a population this high was not present, and the population fell. However, by 1750, when the population reached this level again, an onset in agricultural technology and new methodology allowed the population growth to be sustained.

The increase in population led to more demand from the people for goods such as clothing. A new class of landless labourers, products of enclosure, provided the basis for cottage industry, a stepping stone to the Industrial Revolution. To supply continually growing demand, shrewd businessmen began to pioneer new technology to meet demand from the people. This led to the first industrial factories. People who once were farmers moved to large cities to get jobs in the factories. It should be noted that the British Agricultural Revolution not only made the population increase possible, but also increased the yield per agricultural worker, meaning that a larger percentage of the population could work in these new, post-Agricultural Revolution jobs.

User Icon for Ms. Sue Ms. Sue answered
11 years ago

User Icon for Explain Bot Explain Bot answered
11 months ago

The significant consequences of the Agricultural Revolution can be seen in various aspects, including the effect on women's lives, increase in population, and more demand for goods.

1. Effect on Women's Lives: Before the Agricultural Revolution, women played an active role alongside their husbands in farming. However, with the introduction of new machinery that was difficult for women to handle, their involvement in manual farm labor diminished. As a result, women had to seek alternative forms of employment to support their families, such as cottage industries or domestic work. This shift in roles reinforced the societal notion that women were only suited for domestic work, leading to a gender pay divide and limiting their access to the new mechanized areas of work.

2. Increase in Population: The Agricultural Revolution in Britain fueled the sustained growth of the population. In 1750, the population reached 5.7 million, which had been achieved previously but without the appropriate agricultural infrastructure, resulting in population decline. However, advancements in agricultural technology and methods during the revolution allowed for sustainable population growth.

3. More Demand for Goods: The increase in population led to a higher demand for goods, particularly clothing. The enclosure movement and displacement of farmers created a class of landless laborers who turned to cottage industries to meet the growing demand. This period marked a transition to the Industrial Revolution, as businessmen recognized the need for technological advancements in order to meet the increasing demands of the population. The creation of industrial factories provided new employment opportunities for individuals who had formerly worked in agriculture. Additionally, the increased efficiency in agricultural practices during the revolution resulted in higher yields per worker, allowing a larger percentage of the population to participate in the new post-Agricultural Revolution jobs.

In summary, the Agricultural Revolution had significant consequences that impacted women's roles, population growth, and the demand for goods. It brought about shifts in gender roles and employment opportunities, allowed for sustained population growth, and stimulated the development of new industries due to increased demand.