(8x1) (8)
Question 1.2 (7 marks]
Refer to the diagram below to answer the questions that follow. Choose the
correct option from the possible options given in the brackets. Write only the
question number and correct answer in your answer book.
Pressure gradient force
+Path of air parcel
Coriolis force
Lines of
constant height
Figure 2: Air movement in the atmosphere
1.2.1 The lines in the sketch showing places of equal pressure are known as
1.2.2 The high pressure is represented by (5280/5100) hectopascals.
1.2.3 (Coriolis/Pressure gradient) force determines the speed of the wind.
1.2.4 Winds deflect or change direction because of (Pressure gradient/Coriolis)
1.2.5 The direction of the wind in the sketch above represents conditions in the
(southern/northern) hemisphere.
1.2.6 The greater the difference in air pressure between high-and
low-pressure cells, the (stronger/weaker) the wind.
1.2.7 Geostrophic balance is commonly found in the (upper/lower) atmosphere.
(7x1) (7)
Question 1.3 [15 marks]
Make use of the diagram given below on Föhn Winds to answer the following
1 answer
1.2.1 The lines in the sketch showing places of equal pressure are known as **isobars**.
1.2.2 The high pressure is represented by **5280** hectopascals.
1.2.3 **Pressure gradient** force determines the speed of the wind.
1.2.4 Winds deflect or change direction because of **Coriolis** force.
1.2.5 The direction of the wind in the sketch above represents conditions in the **northern** hemisphere.
1.2.6 The greater the difference in air pressure between high-and low-pressure cells, the **stronger** the wind.
1.2.7 Geostrophic balance is commonly found in the **upper** atmosphere.
Feel free to proceed with the next questions or ask for any additional clarification!