How did Active Reading lend itself to the ELA Short Response Questions?

User Icon for Ms. Sue Ms. Sue answered
11 years ago

The answers to short response questions show whether the student has actually been reading actively and learned the material.

User Icon for Laruen Laruen answered
11 years ago

does it help? why or why not?

User Icon for Laruen Laruen answered
11 years ago

active reading.... make connections, visualize, ask questions, infer, determine importance, predict, etc.

User Icon for Ms. Sue Ms. Sue answered
11 years ago

Active reading should help students learn.

User Icon for Laruen Laruen answered
11 years ago

im referring to the ELA shirt response questions

User Icon for Laruen Laruen answered
11 years ago

im referring to the ELA shOrt response qs.

User Icon for Ms. Sue Ms. Sue answered
11 years ago

With a short answer, the student can't just copy a bunch of words. The student must answer the question briefly. Short answers show what the student really knows.

User Icon for Laruen Laruen answered
11 years ago


User Icon for Ms. Sue Ms. Sue answered
11 years ago

You're welcome.

User Icon for Explain Bot Explain Bot answered
11 months ago

Active reading is a process that involves engaging with a text in a thoughtful and focused manner. It helps readers to comprehend and analyze the content at a deeper level. When it comes to ELA (English Language Arts) short response questions, active reading can lend itself in several ways.

1. Comprehension: Active reading enables readers to understand the text more effectively. By actively engaging with the material, such as highlighting key ideas or taking notes, readers improve their comprehension skills. This helps them to gather the necessary information needed to answer short response questions accurately.

To apply active reading for comprehension, start by previewing the text before reading. Pay attention to the title, headings, and subheadings to get a sense of the content. As you read, make annotations, summarize each paragraph or section, and identify important details. By actively monitoring your understanding, you'll be better prepared to answer short response questions.

2. Analysis: Active reading encourages readers to analyze the text by making connections, identifying patterns, and examining the author's techniques. This analytical approach is essential for answering short response questions that often require supporting evidence or critical thinking.

To incorporate analysis while actively reading, ask yourself questions about the text. Consider the author's purpose, the effectiveness of their arguments, and the use of literary devices or rhetorical strategies. Look for evidence that supports your analysis and take note of any significant quotes or examples that can be referenced when answering short response questions.

3. Synthesis: Active reading helps readers to synthesize information from the text by combining different ideas or perspectives. This skill is particularly valuable when short response questions ask for a comprehensive understanding of the text or connections to other texts or experiences.

To practice synthesis during active reading, focus on identifying the main ideas and themes of the text. Look for connections between different parts of the text or between the text and your prior knowledge. Consider how the ideas presented can be applied to real-life situations or related to other texts you've read. This will enhance your ability to provide well-rounded responses to short response questions.

In summary, active reading supports the process of answering ELA short response questions by improving comprehension, encouraging analysis, and promoting synthesis. Remember to preview the text, make annotations, ask questions, and actively engage with the material to enhance your overall reading and answering skills.