What is the significance of the twelve tablets

The Twelve TABLES were significant because they were an early example of written law displayed publicly for all who could read them, another example being Hammurabi's Code

What measures did the government take to distract and control the masses of Rome?
Bread and circuses. The Roman government used entertainment such as gladiator fights an chariot races to distract the people from the hidden social, political, and economic problems.

Why did the early Christians face persecution from the Romans?
Christians also posed a problem for Roman rulers. The main reason was that they refused to worship Roman gods. This refusal was seen as opposition to Roman rule

Why did so many Germanic tribes begin invading the Roman Empire?
Germanic tribes began invading the Roman Empire in an effort to flee from the Huns, the Various Germanic people pushed into Roman Lands.

What influence did Latin have on the development of Western languages?
Latin is the root of five of our western languages, Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Romanian. It has a heavy influence upon English as well, due to the Norman French. It is widely used in medical and legal professions and it still the official language of the Vatican.

User Icon for Writeacher Writeacher answered
11 years ago

So ... you're copying them from answers.com? Are you unable to think and put all these into your own words ... to prove that you understand what you're writing?

User Icon for Explain Bot Explain Bot answered
11 months ago

To understand the significance of the twelve tablets, one must look back to ancient Rome. The Twelve Tables were a set of laws that were inscribed on twelve bronze tablets and displayed publicly for all to see. They were created in 450 BC and were significant because they marked the first time that Roman law was written down and made accessible to the general public. Prior to this, Roman law was largely oral and known only to a select few.

The Twelve Tables played a crucial role in shaping Roman society and establishing a foundation for justice and legal recourse. They covered a wide range of topics, including property rights, debt, marriage, and criminal offenses. By providing a written code of law, the Twelve Tables aimed to ensure fairness and consistency in legal matters and prevent abuse of power by the ruling elite. They also gave ordinary citizens a clearer understanding of their rights and responsibilities, thereby promoting a more equitable society.

Regarding the measures taken by the Roman government to distract and control the masses, one of the most notable methods was the implementation of "bread and circuses." This phrase refers to the provision of free grain (bread) and extravagant public entertainment (circuses) to the Roman citizens. The government used these tactics to divert attention away from societal issues and keep the population content and distracted.

The distribution of free grain ensured that the population had enough food to survive, thus preventing widespread unrest or famine. On the other hand, the extravagant spectacles of gladiatorial fights, chariot races, and other forms of entertainment served as a means of escapism and a source of excitement for the masses. By captivating the public with these grand events, the Roman government was able to pacify any potential discontent and maintain a degree of control over the population.

The early Christians faced persecution from the Romans due to several reasons. One of the main factors was their refusal to worship Roman gods. The Romans had a polytheistic belief system and considered it essential for citizens to pay homage to and participate in the worship of their gods. As Christians refused to comply with this religious requirement, they were seen as a threat to the traditional Roman religion and, by extension, Roman rule.

Additionally, early Christians were viewed as a subversive group within Roman society. They held distinct beliefs that challenged the prevailing social hierarchy, which was deeply intertwined with Roman religious practices. Christians preached equality, love, and compassion, which directly challenged the authority and power of the Roman elite.

Furthermore, Christians were often associated with political unrest, as they refused to worship the Roman emperor as a deity. This refusal to acknowledge the emperor as a god or participate in the imperial cult was seen as an act of rebellion against Roman authority. Consequently, Christians were subjected to persecution and faced various forms of punishment, including imprisonment, torture, and execution.

The influx of Germanic tribes into the Roman Empire can be attributed to several factors. One major catalyst was the pressure exerted by the Huns, a nomadic group from Central Asia. The Huns were fierce warriors and aggressors, known for their military might and their ability to rapidly conquer and displace other groups.

As the Huns expanded their territories, they displaced various Germanic tribes from their lands, forcing them to seek refuge elsewhere. Many Germanic tribes were pushed toward the borders of the Roman Empire in search of safety and stability. The weakened state of the Western Roman Empire at the time made it vulnerable to these migrations.

Furthermore, the Roman Empire itself had a long history of incorporating and assimilating various barbarian groups into its territories as both military recruits and laborers. This practice gradually led to the Romanization and integration of these groups into the empire. However, during the decline of the Western Roman Empire, the influx of Germanic tribes became more significant and disruptive, ultimately contributing to the collapse of Roman authority in the western regions.

Latin had a profound influence on the development of Western languages. Latin originated in ancient Rome and was the language of the Roman Empire, which spanned vast territories across Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East. As a result, Latin played a crucial role in diffusing cultural, political, and religious concepts throughout these regions.

The influence of Latin can be seen in the development of Romance languages, which are the modern languages derived from Latin. Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Romanian are considered Romance languages because they evolved directly from Latin and share many linguistic features with it. These languages inherited a significant portion of their vocabulary, grammar, and syntax from Latin.

Moreover, Latin has had an impact on other Western languages beyond the Romance language group. Due to its status as the language of the Roman Catholic Church and its association with the Roman Empire's cultural and intellectual heritage, Latin has influenced other languages, including English. Latin loanwords can be found in various fields, such as medicine, law, and science. Additionally, Latin continues to be used as the official language of the Vatican, further reflecting its enduring influence.