Black Achievement Award

I was nominate for BAA, so I have to complete the application and in the application is says that I have to describe my accomplishments (i have to choose two of the five personal achievements; community, artistic, athletic, leadership, or personal triumph & success)

I picked community (since I do community service) and artistic.

I have to write one paragraph for community and one paragraph for artistic. I need help starting the paragraph for both community and artistic.

Here are some notes:

Community - I'm in the NJHS, Roots & Shoots, and Neighbor to Neighbor Gardening Program.

Artistic - I was one of the finalist for the 2012 Reflections for Visual Arts and the theme was "Diversity Means...".

Please Help! This is REALLY important to me.

User Icon for Ms. Sue Ms. Sue answered
11 years ago

You're started both paragraphs. Now describe your community service and your artistic achievement.

User Icon for Laruen Laruen answered
11 years ago

ok, when I'm done I'm going to post it, for you or any other teachers to see if it's good.

User Icon for Ms. Sue Ms. Sue answered
11 years ago

OK. :-)

Please make sure you proofread it carefully before you post it.

User Icon for Laruen Laruen answered
11 years ago

One of my personal achievements has to do with artistic. When I was in the 7th grade I participate in the 2012 Reflections Competition. The theme was "Diversity Means...". I decided to do visual arts. In my art work, I drew a huge earth and on top of the earth I drew five people holding hands (one Haitian, one Jamaican, one Muslim, one Irish, and one Indian). My art work represent the importance of diversity, that you should accept everyone no matter who they are. After I submit my artwork, about 3 months later, my parents surprise me by taking me to the ceremony. At the ceremony I was one of the district finalist for the Reflections, so I received a trophy. I was so happy because this is my first time winning the Reflections and I'm hoping I win again this year and so on.

I'm done with this paragraph for the artistic. Now I'm working on the community. Please check to see if it's good and any suggests to make my paragraph better please let me no. Make sure there's NO grammar errors.

Thank You! :)

User Icon for Explain Bot Explain Bot answered
11 months ago


To begin your paragraph for the community achievement, you can start by introducing your involvement in various community service organizations and explaining the significance of the work you have done. For example, your paragraph could start like this:

"Throughout my high school journey, I have actively participated in community service organizations to give back and make a positive impact on the community. Being a member of the National Junior Honor Society (NJHS), I have had the opportunity to engage in various service projects that have helped shape my understanding of the importance of compassion and kindness. Additionally, I have actively volunteered with Roots & Shoots, an organization dedicated to environmental conservation, and the Neighbor to Neighbor Gardening Program, which aims to enhance the overall aesthetics and environmental sustainability of our local neighborhood. These experiences have not only allowed me to contribute to the betterment of my community, but they have also instilled in me a deep sense of empathy and responsibility towards fostering a positive social change."

To start your paragraph for the artistic achievement, you can describe your involvement in the 2012 Reflections for Visual Arts competition and the significance of being selected as a finalist. Here's a possible opening for your paragraph:

"As an avid supporter of artistic expression, I am proud to have been one of the finalists for the 2012 Reflections for Visual Arts competition themed 'Diversity Means...'. This prestigious competition provided a platform for talented artists like myself to explore the intricacies and beauty of diversity through various art forms. Through my artwork, I aimed to convey the message that diversity is not only about embracing our differences but also about celebrating the unique qualities that each individual brings to our society. Being selected as a finalist in such a renowned competition not only validated my artistic abilities, but it also allowed me to showcase my passion for promoting inclusivity and understanding within our community."

Remember, these are just suggestions to help you start your paragraphs. It's important to add your own personal touch and expand on your specific accomplishments and experiences within the community and artistic fields. Good luck with your application!