integral (sqrt(100x^2-324)/x)dx

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1 year ago

To find the integral of √(100x^2 - 324) / x, we can simplify the expression inside the square root and then evaluate the integral.

First, let's simplify the expression inside the square root:

100x^2 - 324 = 100(x^2 - 9) = 100(x - 3)(x + 3)

Now we can rewrite the integral as:

∫ (√(100(x - 3)(x + 3))) / x dx

Next, we can separate the expression into two fractions:

∫ (√(100(x - 3)(x + 3))) / x dx = ∫ (√(100(x - 3)(x + 3))) / x dx

= ∫ (√(100(x - 3)(x + 3))) / x dx

= ∫ (√(100(x - 3)(x + 3))) / x dx

= ∫ (√(100(x - 3)(x + 3))) / x dx

Now, we can use U-substitution to solve this integral. Let's substitute U = x - 3, which means dU = dx.

When x = 3, U = 0, and when x = -3, U = -6.

Now, the integral becomes:

∫ (√(100U(x + 3)) / (U + 3)) dU

= ∫ (√(100U(U + 6))) / (U + 3)) dU

= 10 ∫ (√(U(U + 6))) / (U + 3)) dU

To simplify further, we can expand the square root term using the identity (a + b)(a - b) = a^2 - b^2:

= 10 ∫ (√(U^2 + 6U)) / (U + 3)) dU

Now, we can make another substitution, V = U + 3, which means dV = dU.

When U = 0, V = 3, and when U = -6, V = -3.

The integral becomes:

10 ∫ (√((V - 3)^2 - 9)) / V dV

Simplifying the square root term:

= 10 ∫ (√(V^2 - 6V)) / V dV

We can further simplify this expression by separating the fraction:

= 10 ∫ (√(V^2 - 6V) / V) dV

The integral of √(V^2 - 6V) / V can be calculated using a trigonometric substitution. Let's substitute V = 3secθ.

Differentiating both sides with respect to θ, we get dV = 3secθ tanθ dθ.

When V = 3, θ = 0, and when V = -3, θ = π.

Substituting this into the integral, we get:

= 30 ∫ √(9sec^2θ - 6secθ) / (3secθ) (3secθ tanθ) dθ

= 30 ∫ √(9sec^2θ - 6secθ) / secθ tanθ dθ

= 30 ∫ √(9tan^2θ - 6tanθ) dθ

= 30 ∫ √(3tan^2θ - 2tanθ) dθ

Now, we can solve this integral using a substitution method. Let's substitute W = tanθ.

Differentiating both sides with respect to θ, we get dW = sec^2θ dθ.

When W = 0, θ = 0, and when W = √3/2, θ = π/3.

Substituting this into the integral, we get:

= 30 ∫ √(3W^2 - 2W) dW

This integral can be solved by combining the terms inside the square root into a perfect square:

= 30 ∫ √(3(W - 1/3)^2 - 1/3) dW

Next, we can perform a u-substitution, where U = W - 1/3. This means dU = dW.

When W = 0, U = -1/3, and when W = √3/2, U = √3/2 - 1/3.

Substituting this into the integral, we get:

= 30 ∫ √(3U^2 - 1/3) dU

= 30 ∫ √(9U^2 - 1) / 3 dU

Now, we can simplify the square root term by factoring out 9:

= 30 ∫ (3√(U^2 - 1/9)) / 3 dU

= 10 ∫ √(U^2 - 1/9) dU

Integrating this expression gives us:

= 10 ∫ U dU

= 5U^2 + C

Substituting back the value of U, we have:

= 5(W - 1/3)^2 + C

Remembering our substitutions, W = tanθ and V = 3secθ, we can substitute back to get the final result:

= 5(tanθ - 1/3)^2 + C