Using Visual Basic, it is not a very difficult task to do.
However, you will need to know from your course:
1. how to create the GUI (graphics user-interface) either by drag-and-drop, or programatically. You will need buttons to prompt entry from the user, calculate gross pays, have an input window, an output window, and a quit button, etc.
2. how the arithmetic is worked out (tax tables, deductions, etc.
3. how to make a loop for the 10 employees, and how to indicate to the program to stop requesting input (a quit button, for example).
Reviwe the cours material, attempt to do the program, and post any difficulties you encounter specifying what you have done so far.
Good luck!
8. Write a visual basic program that accepts basic pay, allowances and tax of ten employees computes gross pay and net pay of each of the employee.
3 answers
Write a program that allows the user to input a total dollar amount for an online shopping order and computers and outputs the shipping cost based on the following schedule
Order total Ship within USA Ship to Canada
Less than $ 50.00 $6.00 $ 8.00
$ 50.01- $ 100.00 $ 9.00 $ 12.00
$ 100.01- $150.00 $ 12.00 $ 15.00
Over $ 150.00 Free Free
Order total Ship within USA Ship to Canada
Less than $ 50.00 $6.00 $ 8.00
$ 50.01- $ 100.00 $ 9.00 $ 12.00
$ 100.01- $150.00 $ 12.00 $ 15.00
Over $ 150.00 Free Free
dim b as integer