8. “…With the existing colonies or dependencies of any European power we have not interfered and shall not interfere. But with the Governments who have declared their independence and maintained it, and whose independence we have, on great consideration and on just principles, acknowledged, we could not view any interposition for the purpose of oppressing them, or controlling in any other manner their destiny, by any European power in any other light than as the manifestation of any unfriendly disposition toward the United States…”

President James Monroe proclaimed the Monroe Doctrine in 1823. What is the main point of the doctrine, as shown in this excerpt?

**The United States pledged to avoid all involvement in European affairs in return for favorable European trade.

The United States, along with France’s military and economic help, has determined to conquer and rule the new independent nations of the Western Hemisphere.

Only the United States, Canada, and Mexico should have influence in the Western Hemisphere.

European oppression upon the newly independent nations of the Western Hemisphere will be treated as oppression upon the United States itself.

9. "...[T]he court will enter upon the inquiry, whether the laws of New York, as expounded by the highest tribunal of that state, have, in their application to this case, come into collision with an act of Congress, and deprived a citizen of a right to which that act entitles him...

"Decree...This court is of opinion that...so much of the several laws of the state of New York as prohibits vessels, licensed according to the laws of the United States, from navigating the waters of the state of New York, by means of fire or steam, is repugnant to the said Constitution and void."

What conclusion is outlined in the above quotation regarding the Gibbons v. Ogden Supreme Court decision?

**States must recogonize all federal laws.
Federal laws have less power than state laws.
States have the right to deny federal law.
Federal government can only regulate laws regarding waterways.

**= my answer

9 answers

pls check my answers
I disagree with your first answer -- but agree with your second.

D? this is hard for me to understand
Yes. The answer is D. And it is hard to understand.
Oh ok thanks!
You're welcome.
Please stop posting questions from online school on internet sites. It destroys the purpose in having online schools.
Well somtimes it's hard doing home school and somtimes we need help we doent have a real teacher teaching us we teach are selves and it's hard cause I am a home school kid