To divide 8.464 by 0.04, you can follow these steps:
Convert the divisor (0.04) to a whole number: Since 0.04 has two decimal places, you can multiply both the numerator and the denominator by 100 to eliminate the decimal:
\[ 8.464 \div 0.04 = \frac{8.464 \times 100}{0.04 \times 100} = \frac{846.4}{4} \]
Perform the division: Now, divide 846.4 by 4.
\[ 846.4 \div 4 \]
You can do this step-by-step:
- \( 8 \div 4 = 2 \) (remainder 0)
- Bring down the next digit (4): \( 4 \div 4 = 1 \) (remainder 0)
- Bring down the next digit (6): \( 6 \div 4 = 1 \) (remainder 2)
- Bring down 0 (from 0 in 846.4): Now you have 20.
- \( 20 \div 4 = 5 \) (remainder 0)
So, \( 846.4 \div 4 = 211.6 \).
\[ 8.464 \div 0.04 = 211.6 \]
Final answer: 211.6.