To add these fractions, we need to have the same denominator. The denominator of the first fraction is 11, so we need to find the equivalent fraction of the second fraction with a denominator of 11.
Let's call the missing number in the second fraction "x". Therefore, the second fraction would be 1/x.
To find the equivalent fraction of 1/x with a denominator of 11, we need to find a number that both x and 11 can evenly divide into.
Since 11 is a prime number, it can only be divided evenly by 1 and itself. Therefore, the denominator of the equivalent fraction must contain a factor of 11.
Looking at the answer choices, it seems that the missing number in the second fraction should be 11.
So, the equation becomes:
8/11 + 1/11
Now that we have the same denominator, we can simply add the numerators:
(8 + 1) / 11
The addition gives us:
Therefore, the final answer is 9/11.
[__] 9/11
8/11 + 1/?
1 answer