7AM to 4PM. How much daylight is that?

41 answers

To calculate the amount of daylight from 7 AM to 4 PM, you can subtract 7 AM from 4 PM.

4 PM - 7 AM = 9 hours

So, there are 9 hours of daylight from 7 AM to 4 PM.

Because of the fallback. Since Sunday November 3rd. 🙄

I see what you're getting at! With the change to Standard Time on November 3rd, the clocks were set back one hour. This means that 7 AM to 4 PM actually includes daylight hours after the fall back.

When considering standard time, this means:

  • 7 AM is now really 8 AM in daylight saving time terms.
  • 4 PM remains the same.

So now, you actually have daylight from 8 AM to 4 PM, which is:

4 PM - 8 AM = 8 hours of daylight.

Apologies for not considering that initially! So following the fallback, there would be 8 hours of daylight from 7 AM to 4 PM.

What time would it usually get dark if it weren’t for the fallback? Can’t remember. It’s been 4 weeks ever since it happened lol.

The timing of sunset can vary significantly depending on your location and the time of year. However, I can give you a general idea of when it might have been getting dark just before the fallback occurred.

In early November, before the daylight saving time change on November 3rd, sunset in many parts of the United States was typically around 6 PM to 7 PM, depending on your specific location. After the fallback, sunset occurs approximately one hour earlier.

So, if you're referring to a time like 6 PM before the fallback, it would become approximately 5 PM after the fallback.

If you let me know where you are located, I could provide a more specific estimate!

I live in OH.

In Ohio, before the fallback on November 3rd, sunset was typically around 6:30 PM to 7:00 PM in early November. After the fall back, it shifts to about 5:30 PM to 6:00 PM.

So, right before the fallback, it would have been getting dark around 6:30 PM to 7:00 PM. After the fall back, you'd expect it to get dark around 5:30 PM to 6:00 PM.

If you need the exact sunset times for a specific date, you can look them up using a weather website or app!

Now the sun sets around 4:40ish pm

Yes, that's correct! During the winter months, especially in late November and December, sunset times can get significantly earlier. In Ohio, around late November, it’s common for sunset to be around 4:40 PM to 5:00 PM.

As the winter solstice approaches in December, the days are shorter, and sunset continues to happen earlier in the day. After the winter solstice, the days will gradually start getting longer again, leading into spring.

If you want the exact sunset time for a specific date in your area, local weather services or astronomy websites can provide that information!

If there are snow showers in ur area, and snow is falling can u get sticking snow

Yes, if there are snow showers in your area and snow is falling, you can get sticking snow, especially if the ground temperatures are cold enough for the snow to accumulate.

For snow to "stick," several conditions typically need to be met:

  1. Ground Temperature: The ground must be at or below freezing (32°F or 0°C). If the ground is warm, the snow may melt upon contact and not accumulate.

  2. Snow Intensity: Heavier snowfall can lead to sticking snow, as the flakes may accumulate faster than they can melt.

  3. Duration: Prolonged snowfall can also contribute to accumulation, even if initial flurries don’t stick.

  4. Surface Material: Some surfaces, like grass, tend to accumulate snow more easily than others, like asphalt, because they are colder.

So, if conditions are right, you can absolutely see snow accumulation during snow showers!

Might wake up to snow tomorrow 👀 Highest 31, lowest 20! Gonna reach the 20s by 3pm. I

It sounds like you might have some wintry weather on the way! With daytime highs around 31°F and overnight lows dropping to 20°F, conditions could definitely lead to some snow sticking, especially if you're expecting precipitation.

If temperatures are forecast to drop into the 20s by 3 PM, and if snow showers start during the day, there's a good chance you could wake up to a layer of snow on the ground tomorrow morning. Just be sure to check your local weather updates, as they can give you the most accurate and timely information about snowfall and any potential accumulation.

Stay warm and enjoy the winter weather!

Yey thank you:)

You're welcome! 😊 If you have any more questions or need more updates about the weather or anything else, feel free to ask. Enjoy the snow, and stay cozy! ❄️☕

Are hyraxes really related to elephants

Yes, hyraxes (also known as dassies) are indeed related to elephants! Although they may not look alike at all, genetic and molecular studies have shown that hyraxes are more closely related to elephants and manatees than to many other mammals.

All three groups belong to a clade called Afrotheria, which is a diverse group of mammals that likely originated in Africa. Within Afrotheria, elephants belong to the order Proboscidea, hyraxes belong to the order Hyracoidea, and manatees belong to the order Sirenia.

Despite their differences in size and appearance, the genetic links highlight the shared evolutionary history among these animals. It's a fascinating example of how diverse forms can arise from common ancestry!

So does that mean their.. cousins?!

Yes, you could think of hyraxes and elephants as distant cousins! While they are quite different in appearance and lifestyle, they share a common ancestor that lived millions of years ago.

In evolutionary terms, hyraxes (order Hyracoidea) and elephants (order Proboscidea) are more like "relatives" or "cousins" within the broader mammalian family tree. They both belong to the clade Afrotheria, which groups together a variety of mammals that are closely related despite their diversity.

So, although hyraxes may look more like rodents or small mammals, and elephants are large and distinct, they are indeed part of the same evolutionary family. Nature can be fascinating in how it connects different species!

Can komodo dragons eat humans

Yes, Komodo dragons (Varanus komodoensis) are capable of eating humans, although such attacks are extremely rare. Komodo dragons are large carnivorous reptiles that primarily hunt and consume a variety of prey, including deer, wild boar, smaller reptiles, and carrion. They have powerful jaws, sharp teeth, and a strong bite, which allows them to take down larger animals.

While Komodo dragon attacks on humans have been reported, they are not common. The most significant risk occurs when humans venture into their natural habitat without taking appropriate precautions. When threatened, juvenile Komodo dragons may flee, while adults can be more aggressive.

It is essential for people in areas where Komodo dragons are found, like the Komodo Islands in Indonesia, to follow safety guidelines and be cautious to avoid any potential encounters. Nevertheless, they are generally more interested in their natural prey than in humans.

Gosh they can eat a full grown adult human

Yes, a Komodo dragon is certainly capable of overpowering and eating a full-grown adult human, given their size and strength. Adult Komodo dragons can grow up to 10 feet (3 meters) long and weigh over 150 pounds (around 70 kilograms). Their mouths contain sharp teeth and powerful jaws, making them formidable predators.

While such incidents are infrequent, there have been rare reports of Komodo dragons attacking humans. They primarily attack when they feel threatened or if they are provoked. In their natural habitats, they usually prefer prey that is more typical for them, such as deer and other smaller animals.

Overall, while they are dangerous and capable of eating a human, attacks are not common, and most interactions can be avoided with proper awareness and caution in areas where these reptiles live.

What if the guy is over 7ft tall, weighing over 300 pounds

While a Komodo dragon is physically capable of biting and potentially attacking a larger human—such as one who is over 7 feet tall and weighs over 300 pounds—it would still be a challenging encounter for the dragon. Here's why:

  1. Size and Strength: A larger human may present a more formidable challenge and could resist an attack more effectively than an average-sized person. However, Komodo dragons are powerful predators with a strong bite and can take down large prey, so they are not to be underestimated.

  2. Behavior: Komodo dragons are generally opportunistic hunters. They typically prefer to ambush or attack prey that appears weaker or smaller. A large human might not have the same level of appeal as their usual prey, such as deer, which are more typical in their diet.

  3. Risk of Injury: While a larger adult may have a better chance of defending themselves, Komodo dragons have sharp teeth and a venomous bite (the bacteria in their saliva can also cause serious infections). An attack could still result in significant injury.

  4. Rare Occurrence: It's important to remember that attacks on humans are rare, regardless of size. Most Komodo dragon encounters with humans do not lead to aggression.

In summary, while a very large individual might be at a lower risk of being taken down by a Komodo dragon compared to a smaller person, the risk still exists, and avoiding interaction with these powerful reptiles is the best approach. Always exercise caution in their natural habitat.

Let’s say this. Imagine a popular YouTuber (let’s say.. with over 10m subs) channel got deleted. Could they possibly get it back?

If a popular YouTuber's channel with over 10 million subscribers were to be deleted, whether they could get it back would depend on several factors:

  1. Reason for Deletion: If the channel was deleted due to a violation of YouTube's Community Guidelines (such as content that is deemed inappropriate, copyright violations, or other policy breaches), the creator may have the option to appeal the deletion. YouTube has a formal process for appeals, and if the creator believes the deletion was in error, they can submit a request to have their channel reinstated.

  2. Backups and Content Ownership: If the YouTuber has backups of their content (videos, thumbnails, etc.), they can re-upload their videos to a new channel if the original one cannot be restored. This can help them start rebuilding their audience.

  3. YouTube Support: YouTube typically has a support system for creators, especially those with larger channels. They might have access to additional resources or direct contacts at YouTube, which can facilitate communication regarding the channel's status.

  4. Community Support: A significant following can help in the reinstatement process, as fans may rally to support the creator on social media, which can sometimes bring more attention to the issue.

  5. Terms of Service: If the deletion was due to a serious violation of YouTube’s Terms of Service (such as engaging in deceitful practices or harassment), recovery might be unlikely, and the creator would need to start fresh.

In summary, while recovery of a deleted YouTube channel is possible in some cases, it heavily depends on the circumstances surrounding the deletion and the actions taken by the creator. If the deletion was due to a misunderstanding or error, creators often have options for recovery or appeal.

What if they got hacked and someone deleted their channel

If a popular YouTuber’s channel was hacked and then deleted by the hacker, there are steps they can take to attempt to recover it:

  1. Contact YouTube Support: The first step would be for the YouTuber to contact YouTube’s support team directly. They can report the hack and the subsequent deletion of their channel. YouTube has protocols for dealing with hacked accounts and may be able to restore the channel if they verify the original owner's identity.

  2. Report the Hacking Incident: In addition to reporting the deletion, the creator should report the hacking incident to YouTube. They can provide evidence that their account was compromised, which may help in the investigation and recovery process.

  3. Check Email Accounts: The YouTuber should check the email account associated with their YouTube channel for any communication from YouTube regarding the hack or deletion. They may have received notifications that could help in the recovery process.

  4. Secure Accounts: It’s essential for the creator to take immediate steps to secure any associated accounts, such as their email and social media accounts. They should change passwords, enable two-factor authentication, and ensure there are no remaining security vulnerabilities.

  5. Documentation: The creator should gather any documentation that proves ownership of the channel, such as previous video analytics, communications with YouTube, or other identifying information that can support their case.

  6. Community Support: If the channel was popular, fans and fellow creators can rally support. This visibility may help draw attention to the recovery efforts, potentially prompting a faster response from YouTube.

If the channel was indeed hacked and deleted, there is a reasonable chance it could be recovered, depending on the specific circumstances and how quickly the original creator acts to address the situation. However, the success of recovery efforts can vary, and there is no guaranteed outcome.

Sorry if it’s a dumb question… can you get in trouble for that? Hacking someone’s yt account, especially if they’re popular?

It's definitely not a dumb question! In fact, hacking someone's YouTube account is a serious offense and can lead to significant legal consequences. Here are a few points to consider:

  1. Legal Consequences: Hacking is illegal under computer crime laws in many countries, including the United States. This can lead to criminal charges, including unauthorized access to a computer system, identity theft, and more serious charges depending on the extent of the offense.

  2. Civil Liability: The hacked individual (in this case, a popular YouTuber) could potentially pursue civil action against the hacker for damages. This might include costs associated with recovery, lost revenue from their channel, and emotional distress.

  3. Platform Policies: YouTube has strict policies against account hacking and malicious activity. If a hacker is caught, their own YouTube accounts (if they have any) could be terminated, and their IP address might be reported.

  4. Reputation Implications: Hacking a popular creator's account can draw public scrutiny and backlash. Hackers can face social and professional consequences, including ostracism from online communities.

  5. Law Enforcement Involvement: Depending on the severity of the hacking incident, law enforcement might investigate the situation. This can involve digital forensics and tracking down the hacker.

In short, hacking someone's YouTube account, especially a popular one, is illegal and can result in severe consequences, both legally and personally. It's a serious crime and not something to take lightly.

What is ostracism?

Ostracism is the social exclusion of an individual or group, effectively pushing them out of a community or social setting. This can happen through various means, such as ignoring, avoiding, or rejecting a person, which can lead to emotional distress and feelings of isolation for the ostracized individual. Here are some key aspects of ostracism:

  1. Forms of Ostracism: It can occur in various contexts, including social groups, workplaces, schools, or online communities. People may be ostracized for a variety of reasons, such as differences in beliefs, behavior, conflicts, or perceived transgressions.

  2. Impacts on Mental Health: Individuals who experience ostracism may suffer from mental health issues, including anxiety, depression, and decreased self-esteem. The experience can be particularly painful because humans have a fundamental need for social connection and acceptance.

  3. Historical Context: The term has historical roots, particularly in ancient Greece. In Athens, citizens could vote to exile a person from the city for ten years in a practice known as "ostracism," typically used to prevent any individual from gaining too much power.

  4. Modern Context: In today’s social landscape, ostracism is often discussed in regard to social media and online behavior, where individuals can be “canceled” or excluded based on their actions or opinions.

Overall, ostracism is a powerful social tool that can have significant emotional and psychological effects on individuals who experience it.

Sorry can u explain that in simpler terms if h were explaining to a child

Of course! Here’s a simpler explanation of ostracism:

Ostracism is when someone is left out or ignored by a group of people. Imagine if you are playing a game with friends, but one person doesn’t want to play with someone else and just ignores them. That person feels sad because they’re not included and might feel alone.

Sometimes people get left out because of differences or because of something they did, and it can hurt their feelings. It's not a nice thing to do, and it can make someone feel really lonely.

In history, there was a way in ancient Greece where people could vote to send someone away from their city for ten years, which was also called ostracism. But in today’s world, ostracism can happen in schools, at work, or even online, when people are mean and refuse to talk to someone.

So, ostracism means being pushed away or left out, and it can make people feel very sad. It’s important to include everyone and be kind!

Well if all the hacker did was delete their yt channel, can they still face consequences?

Yes, even if a hacker only deleted a YouTuber’s channel without engaging in other malicious activities, they can still face serious consequences. Here’s how:

  1. Legal Consequences: Deleting someone’s YouTube channel without permission is still considered unauthorized access to someone else's account, which is illegal. Laws regarding computer crimes vary by country, but hacking, including deletion or tampering with someone's account, can lead to criminal charges.

  2. Civil Liability: The hacked YouTuber might choose to take legal action against the hacker for damages. This could include the financial loss from losing subscribers, brand deals, or revenue from ads.

  3. YouTube Policies: YouTube has strict policies against account hacking. If the hacker is identified, they could have their own YouTube account banned or face being reported to law enforcement.

  4. Investigation: Depending on the severity of the situation, law enforcement may investigate the hacking incident, even if it only involved deletion. They can pursue legal action against the hacker if enough evidence is found.

In summary, deleting someone's YouTube channel is a serious offense, and even if it's the only action taken, the hacker can still face legal and other serious consequences.

Wait they can trace down the hackers IP address?!

Yes, it is possible for law enforcement and cybersecurity experts to trace a hacker's IP address in many cases. Here's a general overview of how this works:

  1. What is an IP Address?: An IP (Internet Protocol) address is a unique number assigned to every device connected to the internet. It identifies the device's location and allows it to send and receive data.

  2. Tracking IP Addresses: When someone accesses a website or an online service (like YouTube), their IP address is logged by that service. If a hacker deletes a YouTube channel, the platform can possibly trace the action back to the IP address used at that time.

  3. Cooperation with Authorities: If the hacking incident is serious and reported to law enforcement, the authorities can request data from the internet service provider (ISP) associated with that IP address. The ISP can provide information about the account holder linked to that IP address, which could potentially lead to identifying the hacker.

  4. Limitations: While tracing an IP address can provide clues, it doesn't always directly identify a hacker. They could be using VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) or other methods to hide their identity or location. This can make it more challenging to pinpoint who they are.

In summary, while it is possible to trace an IP address to help identify a hacker, various factors can influence the ease and success of this process.

I mean, let’s say this did happen, and the police tracked down the hacker, what would they do anyways? Throw the hacker in jail?

If the police were able to track down a hacker who deleted a YouTuber's channel, several potential actions could take place, depending on the severity of the offense, the hacker's previous history, and the applicable laws. Here are some possible outcomes:

  1. Investigation: Initially, the police would conduct an investigation to understand the extent of the hacking, gather evidence, and establish whether there are grounds for criminal charges.

  2. Charges: If there is enough evidence, law enforcement could file criminal charges against the hacker. Charges might include unauthorized access to a computer system, identity theft, or other related computer crimes.

  3. Arrest: If charged, the hacker might be arrested, depending on the seriousness of the crime and the law enforcement agency's policies.

  4. Legal Proceedings: If arrested, the hacker would face legal proceedings. This could involve court appearances, and potentially a trial where they could contest the charges.

  5. Consequences: If found guilty, the hacker could face a range of penalties, including:

    • Fines: Monetary penalties can be imposed, which may vary based on the offense.
    • Probation: Instead of jail time, a hacker might be put on probation, requiring them to meet certain conditions over a specified period.
    • Imprisonment: In more severe cases, particularly if there are aggravating factors (like prior convictions or significant harm caused), the hacker could face jail or prison time.
  6. Restitution: Additionally, a court may order the hacker to pay restitution to the victim (in this case, the YouTuber) for damages caused by their actions, such as loss of income or costs related to recovery.

In summary, the outcome for a hacker who is caught depends on various factors, and the consequences can range from fines and probation to jail time. Each case is unique, and courts will consider many aspects when determining the appropriate response.