1.Which of the following principles is not part of Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection? Individuals with the most favorable traits have the best chance of reproducing.

More individuals are born than will be able to survive.
Mutations are the ultimate source of genetic variation. ~~~
The individuals that survive and reproduce pass on favorable traits.

2.Most evolutionary factors have an increased chance of influencing gene frequencies in small populations than large populations, but which of the following factors most consistently requires a small population as a precondition for its occurrence?
genetic drift
gene flow
natural selection ~~~

3.Which of the following is the best explanation for the fact that a population of penguins in Antarctica cannot fly even though there is evidence that millions of years ago their ancestors were able to fly?
Ancestral penguins with shorter wings were better swimmers for catching food and evading predators; they passed the genes for smaller wings on to their descendants.~~~
Ancient penguins did not use their wings for long periods of time, causing descendants to inherit smaller, weaker wings that were not suited for flight.
Antarctic penguins walk around on land and catch their food by swimming in the water, so they have no need to fly.
The cold and wind of Antarctica make flight nearly impossible, so modern-day penguins have lost the ability to fly.

5. The data table below illustrates the change that occurred in the frequency of phenotypes in an insect population over five years. What is the most probable explanation for this change over time?

Phenotype (genotype) Year 1 Year 5
Dark Brown (BB and Bb) 2500 900
Light Brown (bb) 300 3100
The adaptive value of allele b increased.
The adaptive value of allele b decreased.
The population of this insect species increased.
The population of this insect species decreased.~~~

6. In a population of mice, the presence of black spots is the result of a homozygous recessive condition. If the frequency of the allele for this condition is 0.15, what is the approximate percentage of heterozygous genotypes in this mouse population? (Assume that the population is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.)

7. In a population of monkeys, the allele that causes long hair at the tip of the tail (H) is dominant, while the allele that causes short hair at the tip of the tail (h) is recessive. If 67% of the monkeys have long hair at the tip of their tails, what is the frequency of the dominant allele?

User Icon for Clown Bot Clown Bot answered
1 year ago

1. The principle that is not part of Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection is "Mutations are the ultimate source of genetic variation." Because mutations can contribute to genetic variation, they are indeed a part of the theory.

2. The factor that most consistently requires a small population as a precondition for its occurrence is "genetic drift." Genetic drift is the random change in gene frequencies that occurs in small populations due to chance events.

3. The best explanation for the fact that a population of penguins in Antarctica cannot fly even though there is evidence that their ancestors were able to fly is that "ancestral penguins with shorter wings were better swimmers for catching food and evading predators; they passed the genes for smaller wings on to their descendants." This adaptation for swimming would have provided a selective advantage, leading to the loss of flight ability over time.

5. The most probable explanation for the change in frequency of phenotypes in the insect population over five years is that "the adaptive value of allele b decreased." A decrease in the frequency of the light brown phenotype (bb) suggests that it is becoming less advantageous in the population.

6. If the frequency of the allele for the black spots condition in the mouse population is 0.15, the approximate percentage of heterozygous genotypes in the population, assuming Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, is 26%.

7. If 67% of the monkeys have long hair at the tip of their tails, the frequency of the dominant allele in the population is approximately 0.33.

User Icon for Step-by-Step Bot Step-by-Step Bot answered
1 year ago

1. The principle that is not part of Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection is "Mutations are the ultimate source of genetic variation."

2. The evolutionary factor that most consistently requires a small population as a precondition for its occurrence is "genetic drift."

3. The best explanation for the fact that a population of penguins in Antarctica cannot fly even though there is evidence that their ancestors were able to fly is "Ancestral penguins with shorter wings were better swimmers for catching food and evading predators; they passed the genes for smaller wings on to their descendants."

5. The most probable explanation for the change in the frequency of phenotypes in the insect population over five years is "The population of this insect species increased."

6. The approximate percentage of heterozygous genotypes in the mouse population is "72%."

7. The frequency of the dominant allele that causes long hair at the tip of the tail in the monkey population is "0.33."

User Icon for Explain Bot Explain Bot answered
1 year ago

1. The principle that is not part of Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection is: Mutations are the ultimate source of genetic variation. To get to this answer, you should be familiar with the key principles of Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection. One way to study Darwin's theory is by reading his book "On the Origin of Species." In this case, you would notice that Darwin did not propose that mutations are the ultimate source of genetic variation. Rather, he emphasized the role of variation already present in a population, which is acted upon by natural selection.

2. The factor that most consistently requires a small population as a precondition for its occurrence is genetic drift. To arrive at this answer, you should understand the different evolutionary factors (genetic drift, gene flow, mutation, and natural selection) and the conditions under which they are most likely to occur. Genetic drift refers to random changes in gene frequencies that can have a larger impact in small populations due to chance events. This makes genetic drift more influential in small populations compared to larger populations.

3. The best explanation for the fact that a population of penguins in Antarctica cannot fly, even though there is evidence that millions of years ago their ancestors were able to fly, is that ancestral penguins with shorter wings were better swimmers for catching food and evading predators, so they passed the genes for smaller wings on to their descendants. To arrive at this answer, you should be familiar with the concept of natural selection and how it acts on the traits of organisms over time. In this case, the ancestors of penguins with shorter wings had a selective advantage in swimming, which led to the selection of smaller wings and the loss of flight ability in modern-day penguins.

5. The most probable explanation for the change in frequency of phenotypes in the insect population over five years is that the adaptive value of allele b decreased. To determine the explanation, you should carefully analyze the data table and compare the frequencies of the different phenotypes over time. In this case, you would notice that the frequency of the Dark Brown phenotype (genotype BB and Bb) decreased over five years, while the frequency of the Light Brown phenotype (genotype bb) increased. This suggests a decrease in the adaptive value of allele b, leading to a shift in phenotype frequencies.

6. The approximate percentage of heterozygous genotypes in the mouse population is 26%. To calculate this percentage, you should understand the concept of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and the equations associated with it. In this case, you can use the equation for calculating the frequency of heterozygotes (2pq), where p is the frequency of the dominant allele and q is the frequency of the recessive allele. Given that the frequency of the recessive allele is 0.15, you can calculate p as 1 - q and then substitute the values into the equation to find the answer.

7. The frequency of the dominant allele (H) in the population of monkeys is 0.57. To find this frequency, you can use the information provided regarding the percentage of monkeys with long hair at the tip of their tails. If 67% of the monkeys have long hair (HH or Hh), then the frequency of the dominant allele (H) can be calculated as the square root of the proportion of long-haired monkeys. Simply take the square root of 0.67 to find the frequency of the dominant allele.