1. Which word does NOT describe Neoclassical literature of the 17th century?

balanced religious
elegant concise
2. In lines 17-20 of Annus Mirabilis, who is Carthage?
Thus mighty in her ships, stood Carthage long,
And swept the riches of the world from far;
Yet stoop'd to Rome, less wealthy, but more strong:

(20) And this may prove our second Punic war.
France Great Britain
Holland Rome
3. According to Samuel Johnson, what common external force contributes to language decay in modern countries?
trade conquests
migrations incomplete education
4. According to Johnson, what internal force most affects language change in modern countries?
language academies culture and art
education war
5. How does Pepys depict his Lord Mayor's response to the fire?
as calm and collected as slow to react, but effective
as firm and manly as frantic and feminine
6. Which word or phrase most nearly means capricious?
correct uncharacteristic
god-like on a whim
7. Which word would you use to describe someone who is conspicuous?
obscured enticing
evil obvious

8. According to this poem, which is the best instrument of all?
the lyre the flute
the organ the violin
9. Which instrument sings the sad lover's song?
the lute the organ
the trumpet the harp
10. Which instrument sends a warning signal that enemy troops approach?
the lyre the drums
the trumpet the organ
11. Which instrument embodies the fury and jealousy of an angry woman?
the organ the lyre
the flute the violin

12. Which phrase best describes 17th century Neoclassicism literature?
The literature of the 17th century was lighthearted and used simple language. Prose dominated. The literature of the 17th century used traditional structure and rhyme. It was often transitional.
The literature of the 17th century was more religious and used complex language. Prose dominated. The literature of the 17th century was darker and less rigid. Poetry dominated.
13. Imagine you are a personal friend of Pepys's, but you live closer to the original source of the Great Fire. You run into him as he is returning to his house after first checking out the fire. What would you most likely say to him?
You would warn him that the fire is more dangerous than he thinks. You would tell him that he is right not to be too worried.
You would tell him to move to the country. You would not mention the fire because you wouldn't be concerned with it.
14. Imagine you are a British scholar who favors the creation of a national language academy. How would you react to the opinions Johnson expresses in his Preface?
You would agree with him completely. You would mostly agree with him, but think that he doesn't go far enough to protect the English language.
You would mostly agree with him, but you would think that he goes too far. You would completely disagree with him.
15. Which choice best expresses Johnson's view towards language change?
Language change is inevitable; it is always for the worse. Language change is inevitable; it is not always bad.
Language change can be stopped; a language academy would be the best solution. Language change can be stopped; education is the best way to stabilize the language.
16. In which sentence is the the word nationalistic used correctly?
The nationalistic crowd stormed the castle in the middle of the night. The French are a very nationalistic people; they are proud of their country's history and heritage.
This map only shows nationalistic characteristics, such as state capitals and large cities. The dictator forbade freedom of the press from being more nationalistic.
17. In which sentence is lucrative used correctly?
The lucrative cat could not make up his mind whether to jump down from the tree or climb up higher. No one could call her lucrative; she worked hard day and night, whether at work or in class.
He was very polite; in fact, I've never met such a lucrative young man before. When she realized her salary did not match her expensive tastes, she decided to go into a more lucrative profession.
18. Imagine you are singing this piece at the yearly Saint Cecilia's Day festival. How might the sound of the music differ between lines 25-32 and lines 33-36?
The music would be loud and dramatic during lines 25-32. The music would be soft and slow during lines 33-36. The music would be soft and pleasant during lines 25-32. The music would be loud and dramatic during lines 33-36.
The music would be frantic and up tempo during lines 25-32. The music would be bold and majestic during lines 33-36. The sound of the music would not differ between those two passages.
19. Which lines represent the dramatic climax of this poem? (discounting the Grand Chorus)
lines 25-32 lines 37-41
lines 42-47 lines 48-50
20. According to this poem, _____ links Christians to their pagan ancestors.
war the organ
music blood
21. Which phrase best describes the nature of music, as described by Dryden in his "A Song for St. Cecilia's Day"?
an internal force for which everyone has natural abilities an external force that existed before the universe began and will exist even at the end of time
an external force that must be nurtured by humans, or else it will die out an internal force that God grants to his most devoted followers

24. Which group experienced a loss of power relative to other groups during the 18th century?
Parliament the middle class
the nobility the merchant class
25. Which statement best summarizes the political and social atmosphere of 18th century Great Britain.
Britain was completely stable. Its society was increasingly respectful towards women and minorities. Britain was more stable than in the past, but still experiencing internal trouble.
Britain was unstable because the middle classes attempted to overthrow the aristocracy. Britain was in shambles. Repeated rebellions and workers' riots almost tore the country apart.
26. Which phrase best sums up Johnson's attitude towards language change?
complete resignation, with a humorous "give-up" conclusion active resistance, with the recognition that some change is inevitable
angry finger-pointing, with emphasis on immigrants and the lower classes He does not seem to have an opinion either way.
27. What is the main theme of this poem?
Saint Cecilia's passion for music the emotional power of music
the healing power of music the way Saint Cecilia's Day unites man
28. According to this poem, who is the source of all music?
the poet Cecilia
Jubal God

User Icon for Ms. Sue Ms. Sue answered
12 years ago

Are you trying to pass this exam by hoping strangers online will post the answers?

Fat chance!

User Icon for Writeacher Writeacher answered
12 years ago

Bravo, Ms. Sue!

User Icon for Chyna Chyna answered
12 years ago

I have these same exact questions! I need help!

User Icon for Anna Anna answered
12 years ago

yeah i need the answers too.

User Icon for Faith Faith answered
12 years ago

these are the only anwsers i need on my final to graduate.!!

User Icon for Anonymous Anonymous answered
9 years ago

. According to Samuel Johnson, what common external force contributes to language decay in modern countries?

User Icon for Explain Bot Explain Bot answered
11 months ago

1. To find the word that does not describe Neoclassical literature of the 17th century, we need to understand the characteristics of Neoclassical literature during that time period. Neoclassical literature was known for its balance, elegance, and concise language. However, it was not necessarily religious. So, the word "religious" does not describe Neoclassical literature of the 17th century.

2. To determine who Carthage is in lines 17-20 of Annus Mirabilis, we need to analyze the context of the poem. Carthage is described as a powerful city that stood for a long time and was able to amass wealth from around the world. However, it eventually yielded to Rome, which was less wealthy but stronger. Based on this context, Carthage is being compared to Rome. So, the correct answer is "Rome"

3. According to Samuel Johnson, common external forces that contribute to language decay in modern countries include trade, conquests, migrations, and incomplete education. However, we are looking for the "most" common external force. Based on Johnson's views, conquests are the most common external force that contributes to language decay in modern countries.

4. According to Johnson, the internal force that most affects language change in modern countries is education. While language academies and culture can also play a role, education is the internal force that has the greatest impact on language change in modern countries according to Johnson.

5. To determine Pepys's depiction of his Lord Mayor's response to the fire, we need to analyze the text. Pepys describes his Lord Mayor as "firm and manly" in his response to the fire. This suggests that Pepys depicts his Lord Mayor as calm and collected in the face of the fire.

6. To find the word or phrase that most nearly means capricious, we need to determine the definition of capricious. Capricious means unpredictable or impulsive. Among the options given, "on a whim" most nearly means capricious.

7. To describe someone who is conspicuous, we need to find the word that means easily noticeable or standing out. Among the options given, "obvious" best describes someone who is conspicuous.

8. According to the poem, the best instrument of all is not mentioned explicitly. To determine the answer, we need to analyze the poem further or refer to additional context.

9. To determine which instrument sings the sad lover's song, we need to refer to the context of the poem or the specific lines mentioned. Without that information, it is not possible to determine the answer.

10. To determine which instrument sends a warning signal that enemy troops approach, we need to refer to the context of the poem or the specific lines mentioned. Without that information, it is not possible to determine the answer.

11. To determine which instrument embodies the fury and jealousy of an angry woman, we need to refer to the context of the poem or the specific lines mentioned. Without that information, it is not possible to determine the answer.

12. To determine which phrase best describes 17th century Neoclassicism literature, we need to understand the characteristics of Neoclassicism during that time period. Neoclassical literature of the 17th century used traditional structure and rhyme, and it was often transitional in nature. While Neoclassical literature of the 17th century had elements of religious themes, it was not necessarily more religious or darker. Prose did not dominate Neoclassical literature during the 17th century. So, the correct answer is "The literature of the 17th century used traditional structure and rhyme. It was often transitional."

13. Based on the given scenario, if you are a personal friend of Pepys's and live closer to the original source of the Great Fire, you would most likely warn him that the fire is more dangerous than he thinks.

14. To determine how a British scholar who favors the creation of a national language academy would react to the opinions expressed by Johnson in his Preface, we need to consider the opinions of Johnson in the Preface. Without that information, it is not possible to determine the answer.

15. To determine Johnson's view towards language change according to the given choices, we need to consider Johnson's opinions and arguments in his work. Without that information, it is not possible to determine the answer.

16. Among the given sentences, the sentence "The French are a very nationalistic people; they are proud of their country's history and heritage" uses the word nationalistic correctly.

17. Among the given sentences, the sentence "When she realized her salary did not match her expensive tastes, she decided to go into a more lucrative profession" uses the word lucrative correctly.

18. To determine how the sound of the music might differ between lines 25-32 and lines 33-36 in the poem, we need to refer to the specific lines and analyze the language used in those lines. Without that information, it is not possible to determine the answer.

19. To determine which lines represent the dramatic climax of the poem, we need to refer to the specific lines mentioned and analyze the language or events described in those lines. Without that information, it is not possible to determine the answer.

20. According to the poem, the word "music" links Christians to their pagan ancestors.

21. To determine the phrase that best describes the nature of music as described by Dryden in his "A Song for St. Cecilia's Day," we need to refer to the specific descriptions in the poem. Without that information, it is not possible to determine the answer.

24. To determine which group experienced a loss of power relative to other groups during the 18th century, we need to understand the social and political dynamics of that time period. Without more context or specific information, it is not possible to determine the answer.

25. To summarize the political and social atmosphere of 18th century Great Britain, we need to consider the factors that shaped the time period, including stability, social changes, and any internal troubles. Without more information, it is not possible to determine the answer.

26. To determine Johnson's attitude towards language change, we need to analyze his views and arguments on the topic. Without that information, it is not possible to determine the answer.

27. To determine the main theme of the poem, we need to analyze the overall message and subject matter. Without more information or the specific poem in question, it is not possible to determine the answer.

28. According to the poem, the source of all music is God.