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Positive Thinking
In this world, there are optimists and pessimists. Optimists possess a positive outlook on life while pessimists have a negative outlook. An optimist will take a bad situation and put a positive spin on it, while a pessimist might perceive a bad situation as something that was bound to happen to them. Bad things can happen to anyone, but positive thinking can not only help someone get through a hard time, but it can also improve their health.
Researchers are interested in exploring the effects of positive thinking on health and wellness. Studies have shown that positive thinking provides many health benefits. For example, having an optimistic mindset can lower levels of distress, improve cardiovascular health, and reduce risk of cancer. What is unclear, though, is why positive thinking is correlated to these health benefits. Even though data cannot explain the scientific connection as of now, the takeaway is clear. People should try their best to practice positive thinking and avoid negativity in their everyday lives.
A good place to start is to identify where negative thoughts are present in your life. Maybe you are too hard on yourself and think you can’t learn something new. Maybe you think that if something changes in your life, it is a bad thing. These are examples of having a negative outlook. This type of outlook can not only increase levels of stress but also prevent you from being able to see or feel a positive outcome.
Once you have identified pessimistic thoughts in your life, change them into more optimistic thoughts. For example, instead of thinking that you cannot learn new things, believe in yourself. You can say to yourself, “This is a great opportunity, and if I apply my mind to it, then I will learn something new.” If you are experiencing a big change in your life, see it as a new door opening and say, “Let’s take a chance and hope for the best.”
It is not easy to completely change one’s mindset, so take your time and start by practicing positive thinking every day. Soon, you will see a change in your outlook and hopefully a decrease in everyday stress.
Read this passage from the presentation.
If you are experiencing a big change in your life, see it as a new door opening and say, “Let’s take a chance and hope for the best.”
What does “a new door opening” mean in the context of this sentence?
A a new doora new door
B a new joba new job
C a new emotiona new emotion
D a new opportunitya new opportunity
1 answer