6503 rounded of to nearest 1000

1 answer


The number 6503 is closer to the number 7000 than the number 6000.

The difference between the numbers is:

6503 - 6000 = 503

7000 - 6503 = 497

The difference between 7000 and 6503 is less than the difference between 6503 and 6000.

Also you can rounde this number without counting.

If the digit behind the number to which you need to round your number is 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 or 4 then that digit remains unchanged.

If the digit after the number to which you need to round your number is 5 , 6 , 7, 8 or 9 then you need to increase that digit by 1.

So 6503 rounded to 1000 is 7000.