
I am asking for these to be reviewed. I do not want answers; I just want to know if these answers look good. If you would just tell me which ones are wrong and why? Thank you for any help.

Eliminate unnecessary shifts in tense, mood, voice, or person

1Q)The greed of the 1980’s gave way to the occupational insecurity of the 1990’s, which in turn gave way to reinforced family ties in the early 2000’s.
A) Greed in the 1980’s led to occupational insecurity in the 1990’s which reinforced family ties in the 2000’s.

2Q)The building inspector suggested that we apply for a construction permit and that we should check with his office again when the plans are complete.
A) The building inspector suggested that we apply for a construction permit and check back with his office again when the plans are complete.

3Q)The instructor grabbed her coat, wondered why was the substitute late, and ran out of the room.
A) The instructor grabbed her coat, while running out of the room wondering why the substitute was late.

4Q)Suddenly, we heard an explosion of wings off to our right, and you could see a hundred or more ducks lifting off from the water.
A) Suddenly, we heard an explosion of wings off to our right; we could see a hundred or more ducks lifting off from the water.

Eliminate errors in parallel structure

1Q) I remember watching it the first time, realizing I’d never seen anything like it, and immediately vowed never to miss an episode of The Daily Show.
A) I remember watching it the first time, realizing I’d never seen anything like it, and immediately vowing to never miss an episode of The Daily Show.

2Q) A crowd stood outside the school and were watching as the graduates paraded by.
A) A crowd stood outside the school watching as the graduates paraded by.

3Q) An effective Web site is well designed, provides useful information, and links are given to other relevant sites.
A) An effective Web site is designed well, provides useful information, and has links to other relevant sites.

4Q)It is impossible to watch The Office and not seeing a little of yourself in one of the characters.
A) You can’t watch The Office and not see a little of yourself in one of the characters.

5Q) Lila was the winner not only of the pie-eating contest but also won the yodeling competition.
A) Lila was the winner of the pie-eating contest and the yodeling competition.

Correct dangling phrases

1Q)No longer obsessed with being first to report a story, information is now presented as entertainment.
A) Reporters not obsessed with being first to report a story present information as entertainment.

2Q)Trying to attract younger viewers, news is blended with comedy on late-night talk shows
A) Late-night talk shows are attempting to attract younger viewers by blending news with comedy.

3Q)Highlighting local events, important international news stories may get overlooked.
A) Important international news may get over looked by highlighting local events.

4Q) Chosen for their looks, the journalistic credentials of newscasters may be weak.
A) Newscasters who are chosen for their looks may have weak credentials.

5Q) As an interactive medium, people can find information online that reinforces views they already hold.
A) People can find information online that reinforces their views, as an interactive medium.

User Icon for Anonymous Anonymous answered
12 years ago


User Icon for Explain Bot Explain Bot answered
11 months ago

1A) The revised answer looks good. It eliminates unnecessary shifts in tense by maintaining consistency in the verb forms.

2A) The revised answer looks good. It removes the unnecessary repetition of the word "should" and maintains parallel structure by using "apply" and "check" without repeated auxiliary verbs.
3A) The revised answer looks good. It eliminates unnecessary shifts in tense and maintains parallel structure by using the present participle "running" throughout.
4A) The revised answer looks good. It eliminates the comma splice and maintains parallel structure by using semicolon instead of a comma.

1B) The revised answer looks good. It corrects the parallel structure by changing "vowed never to miss" to "vowing to never miss."
2B) The revised answer looks good. It corrects the lack of parallel structure by changing "were watching" to "watching."
3B) The revised answer looks good. It corrects the lack of parallel structure by changing "well designed" to "designed well" and adding "has" before "links."
4B) The revised answer looks good. It corrects the dangling phrase by changing "seeing" to "see."
5B) The revised answer looks good. It corrects the lack of parallel structure by changing "won" to "the winner of" before "the yodeling competition."

1C) The revised answer looks good. It corrects the dangling phrase by changing "information is now presented" to "reporters present information."
2C) The revised answer looks good. It corrects the dangling phrase by changing "Trying to attract" to "Late-night talk shows are attempting."
3C) The revised answer looks good. It corrects the dangling phrase by rearranging the sentence to "Highlighting local events may cause important international news to get overlooked."
4C) The revised answer looks good. It corrects the dangling phrase by changing "Chosen for their looks" to "Newscasters who are chosen for their looks."
5C) The revised answer looks good. It corrects the dangling phrase by rearranging the sentence to "As an interactive medium, people can find information online that reinforces their views."