In the movie Shawshank redemption, how did the prison in the film try to rehabilitate its inmates, was it successful? Provide 3 examples of ways in which the prison guards enforced compliance to prison rules, were the enforcements necessary or effective? Why was Red continually rejected for parole? Any help would be great!!!!!!!

User Icon for Ms. Sue Ms. Sue answered
12 years ago

You may find your answers in some of these sites.,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=8c3c85ba7195cba&biw=711&bih=453

User Icon for Explain Bot Explain Bot answered
11 months ago

In the movie Shawshank Redemption, the prison attempts to rehabilitate its inmates through various means. To understand how the prison pursued rehabilitation and evaluate its success, we can analyze specific examples from the film.

1. Educational Programs: The prison offered educational programs to its inmates. There are scenes in the movie where we see prisoners attending classes, such as Andy Dufresne teaching his fellow inmates different subjects. By providing access to education, the prison aimed to help inmates develop new skills and knowledge that could potentially assist them in their reintegration into society.

2. Work Programs: Shawshank State Penitentiary had work programs for its inmates. In the film, we see them engaged in tasks like working in the library or maintaining the prison grounds. The intention behind these programs was to teach inmates work ethics, discipline, and develop skills that could be useful for their employment upon release.

3. Counseling and Group Therapy: The movie depicts group therapy sessions where inmates, including the main character Andy, attend sessions facilitated by the prison staff. These therapeutic discussions aimed to address inmates' psychological and emotional issues, providing them with an outlet to express their feelings and potentially facilitate personal growth.

As for the enforcement of prison rules, the guards employed various measures to ensure compliance. Here are three examples:

1. Solitary Confinement: In instances of serious misconduct or violating prison rules, inmates were often placed in solitary confinement. This extended isolation was intended to be a form of punishment and a means to maintain discipline within the prison. However, it can be argued that the excessive and prolonged use of this punishment may have had negative effects on inmates' mental well-being.

2. Physical Force: The guards would use physical force, such as physical altercations or physical abuse, as a means of enforcing compliance. These actions were often harsh and brutal, intended to instill fear and maintain control over the inmates. However, such methods could be seen as excessive and abusive.

3. Threats and Intimidation: The guards would employ verbal threats or intimidation tactics to coerce compliance from the inmates. This could include using their authority to exploit and manipulate prisoners into obedience. While these measures may have been effective in ensuring immediate obedience, they contravened principles of respect and dignity.

The effectiveness and necessity of these enforcement tactics are subjective and open to interpretation. Some viewers may believe that strong enforcement is necessary to maintain order in a prison environment, while others may consider them as excessive and unjust. The movie raises ethical questions about the treatment of prisoners and the effectiveness of punitive measures.

Red, played by Morgan Freeman, was continually rejected for parole due to the perception of being institutionalized. Red had spent a significant amount of time in Shawshank, and during his multiple parole hearings, he expressed a lack of remorse and a belief that he was unfit for society outside the walls of the prison. The parole board, influenced by his unwillingness to adapt to life outside prison, repeatedly denied his requests.

Overall, the movie presents a complex portrayal of the prison system, showcasing both attempts at rehabilitation alongside questionable enforcement methods. It encourages viewers to critically analyze the effectiveness and ethical implications of such systems.