6.What event concluded the Reign of Terror?
Robespierre's death concluded the reign of terror. Oppositon leaders united their forces and late that night they captured Robespierre as well as his supporters. Trying to get away, Robespierre injured his arm by himself. Having been declared outlaws, he and his supporters were guillotined the next day.
Is this a good answer? I would really appreciate it, if anyone of you could help me, thanks.
4 answers
I would have just said the execution of Robespierre and Saint-Just ended it. But yours is ok.
I had a simple answer like that, but Ms. Sue wanted me to be more specific, so that's what I wrote.
Thank you so much bobpursley:-)
Thank you so much bobpursley:-)
I think, basically the deathe of Maximilien Robespierre in 1794 by national razor brought the humps for the reign of terror after intended to mammoth it!
robespierre's death ended it all