Here are the correct responses for the questions you provided:
6. Match the correct Spanish location phrase with the correct meaning.
- encima de la/del → on top of
- al lado de la/del → next to
- delante de la/del → in front of
- detrás de la/del → behind
7. Select the correct picture for the word spoken in this audio clip in Spanish (la ventana).
- the window
8. Which is the correct translation for "Where is the door?"
- ¿Dónde está la puerta?
9. Translate the following into Spanish: "The chair is next to the desk."
- La silla está al lado del escritorio.
10. Translate the following into Spanish: "The mouse is behind the keyboard."
- El ratón está detrás del teclado.
11. What does “La bandera está en la pantalla” mean in English?
- The flag is on the computer screen.
12. Translate the following into Spanish: "The student is in front of the window."
- El estudiante está delante de la ventana.
13. Match each of the following Spanish sentences with the correct English translation:
- Mi sacapuntas está en mi mochila → My sharpener is in my backpack.
- El estudiante está delante de la ventana. → The student is in front of the window.
- Los relojes están encima de la mesa. → The clocks are on the table.
14. Select the correct article for this sentence:
- Los carteles están al lado de la puerta.
15. Which of these men helped free the most territories from Spain?
- Simón Bolívar
16. Why did Ernesto Lecuona move away from his homeland of Cuba?
- He had political differences with the Castro regime.
17. In what way was Manuel María Ponce an unusual child?
- He wrote a musical piece at age 5.
18. What is one thing that Juan Ramón Jiménez and Mario José Molina have in common?
- They have both won Nobel Prizes.
19. Which is the correct form of the verb "estar" to complete this question: ¿Dónde _______ tu mochila?
- está
20. Which is the correct selection below to complete this sentence: La puerta está al lado _______ sillas.
- de las
Feel free to ask if you need further assistance!