20 *sin 37
is a little more than 20 sin 30 which would be 10
6. A woman takes her dog Rover for a walk on a leash. To get the little poco moving forward, she pulls on the leash with a force of 20.0 N at an angle of 37 degrees above the horizonta. How much force is tending to lift Rover off the ground?
16.0 N
12.0 N
20.0 N
42.1 N
10. Vector A has a magnitude of 12.6 m and a direction of -84.0 degrees. Vector B ha a a magnitude of 34.0 m and a direction of -75.0 degrees. What is the resultant magnitude and direction of a vector that is equal to A+B?
Magnitude 20.6 m Direction -71.1 degrees
Magnitude 46.4 m Direction -77 degrees
Magnitude 20.6 m Direction -78.2 degrees
Magnitude 46.4 m Direction 102 degrees
4 answers
Ax = 12.6 cos 84
Ay = -12.6 sin 84
Bx = 34 cos 75
By = -34 sin 75
Rx = Ax+Bx
Ry = Ay+By
R = sqrt (Rx^2+Ry^2)
angle = tan^-1 (Ry/Rx)
both are almost in the same direction
magnitude is a little less than 12.6+34
and direction is between - 75 and -84
around 47 at angle about -80
only one answer is close :)
Ay = -12.6 sin 84
Bx = 34 cos 75
By = -34 sin 75
Rx = Ax+Bx
Ry = Ay+By
R = sqrt (Rx^2+Ry^2)
angle = tan^-1 (Ry/Rx)
both are almost in the same direction
magnitude is a little less than 12.6+34
and direction is between - 75 and -84
around 47 at angle about -80
only one answer is close :)
So is 6, 12.0 N and 10. 46.4 and -77 degrees?
yes, yes