Question 6: To make the cab company's charges a non-proportional situation, the company would need to incorporate a fixed charge that isn't dependent on the miles traveled. Therefore, the correct response would be "Charge a flat rate of $10 and then $8 per mile."
Question 7: To transform the first graph (which represents the business that charges $12 per t-shirt) into a non-proportional graph that has the same y-intercept as the second graph (which has a $20 setup fee), you would need to shift it to incorporate that fixed fee. Since the second graph starts at $20 and then includes the $11 per t-shirt charge, you can make the $12 per t-shirt graph also start at $20. Therefore, the correct response would be "Left 20."
These transformations change the initial starting point of the proportional graph to match the non-proportional scenario of the setup fee, thereby affecting its proportionality.