Circuit overseers play a vital role in caring for congregations by providing spiritual support and encouragement. Following the example of early Christians, they actively engage in the field ministry, preach, and teach, fostering a spirit of unity and zeal within the congregations they visit. Their selfless service and dedication to the ministry inspire others to imitate their faith, as highlighted in Hebrews 13:7.
6, 7. What are some of the responsibilities of circuit overseers?Modern-day traveling overseers focus on giving personal attention and spiritual encouragement to all in the congregations they visit. How? By following the pattern set by such first-century Christians as Paul. He exhorted his fellow overseer: “Preach the word; be at it urgently in favorable times and difficult times; reprove, reprimand, exhort, with all patience and art of teaching. . . . Do the work of an evangelizer.”—2 Tim. 4:2, 5.In harmony with those words, the circuit overseer—along with his wife if he is married—joins the local publishers in various aspects of the field ministry. Such traveling preachers are zealous for the ministry and are skillful teachers—qualities that have a positive effect on the flock. (Rom. 12:11; 2 Tim. 2:15) Those in the circuit work are best known for their self-sacrificing love. They give freely of themselves, traveling in unfavorable weather and even in dangerous areas. (Phil. 2:3, 4) Circuit overseers also encourage, teach, and admonish each congregation by means of Bible-based talks. All in the congregation benefit by contemplating the conduct of these traveling ministers and imitating their faith.—Heb. 13:7.
Make a comment, very short and understandable, use the JW bible
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