5which of the following is a use for fossils founds in sedimentary rocks?
A.interpreting past environments
b.indication when the rock formed
c.matching rocks of the same age found in different places
d. all of the above
6 lava that cools so quickly that ions do not have time to arrange themselves crystals will for igneous rocks with a ___ texture
C coarse grained
D.fine grained
3.why can two igneous rocks have the same minerals but different names?
A.different colors
B. different sizes
C. different textures
D. different textures
8.A conglomerate is a rock that forms as a result of __
A. intense heat and pressure
B. compaction and cementation
C. rapid cooling
D. slow cooling
9. which of the following is responsible for the formation of rock gypsum
A. weathering and erosion
B. cooling of magma
C. precipitation from a water solution
D. re crystallization from high temps and high pressures
10. what type of rock is composed of very fine crystalline quartz?
A. chalk
B. sandstone
C. rock gypsum
D. flint
11. a clastic sedimentary rock with particles that are 1.5 millimeters in diameter would be classified as a __
A. conglomerate
B. sandstone
C. breccia
D. crystalline limestone
12 Sedimentary rocks with ripple green marks suggest that the rocks formed ___
A. along a beach or stream bed
B. when ancient animals walked over them
C. from the shell fragments of ancient sea dwelling animals
D. when mud dried and shrank
13. what rock forming process occurs when hot magma forces its way into rock?
A. regional metamorphism
B. biochemical sedimentation
C. contact metamorphism
D. depostition
1 answer