Sure! Below you'll find a completed version of Activity #1, including a character map and a short paragraph about one of the main characters from "Lord of the Flies." Note that you will need to input the character names and traits as necessary in your document.
Character Map
Character #1: Ralph
Traits: Charismatic, natural leader, struggles with authority.
Character #2: Jack
Traits: Aggressive, power-hungry, impulsive.
Short Paragraph The main character Ralph from the novel, "Lord of the Flies," interacts with Jack throughout the novel. In one instance, during a heated argument over leadership and the direction the boys should take, Jack openly challenges Ralph's authority and organization of the group by refusing to follow the rules Ralph established. This occurrence really drives the plot forward in the novel by highlighting the conflict between order and chaos, which escalates as Jack's desire for power grows. This pivotal interaction adds to the rising action as the division between the boys deepens, ultimately leading to chaos and violence on the island.
Feel free to adapt the traits and examples based on your interpretation of the story and characters! If you need help with Activity #2 or have other questions, let me know!