How do you tell time in Spanish.

son las 5 ye 2 en canada!no se como pero en todo lugar es different! yo so que no puedo escribe muy bein en espanol pero me gusta! adios! Dios te bendiga!

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Divide the clock in half and use "y" for the first half, up to the half hour, and then "menos" on the other half!

To say "it is" = es la + una.(It is one o'clock) BUT "it is" after one o'clock = "son las" + dos, tres, etc. until you get to l:31 = "Son las dos menos veintinueve." (Literally "it is 2 o'clock minus 29.")

Half past is expressed by "y media" = Son las seis y media = It is 6:30. A quarter is expressed by "cuarto." Son las diez y cuarto = It is a quarter after ten.

Let us know when you would like other time expressions and/or how to use the 24-hour clock as you would see on timetables for trains, busses, etc.

son las 5 y 2 minutos, son las 5:30=5 y media(half) o las 5 y trenta(30). 5:45.= 5 y cuarenta y cinco minutos o faltan quince(15) para las 5 means 15 to 5. or 5 menos(minus) cuarto

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1 year ago

To tell time in Spanish, you can follow these guidelines:

1. Use "es la" for the first hour (one o'clock). For example, "es la una."

2. Use "son las" for all other hours (two o'clock onwards). For example, "son las dos."

3. After the hour, add the minutes using "y" (and). For example, "son las dos y cinco" means "it is two o'clock and five minutes."

4. To express half past the hour, use "y media" (and a half). For example, "son las tres y media" means "it is three o'clock and thirty minutes."

5. To express a quarter past the hour, use "y cuarto" (and a quarter). For example, "son las cuatro y cuarto" means "it is four o'clock and fifteen minutes."

6. To express a quarter to the next hour, use "menos cuarto" (minus a quarter). For example, "son las cinco menos cuarto" means "it is a quarter to five" or "it is four forty-five."

7. You can also use "faltan" (lacking) to express the time remaining until the next hour. For example, "faltan diez para las seis" means "it is ten minutes to six."

These are the basic expressions for telling time in Spanish. Keep in mind that the way time is expressed can vary from region to region, so it's always good to double-check if you are unsure.