Write your own journal entry from the perspective of a member of Bradford's colony. What do you think of these unruly pirates? What shocks you the most about these surly characters? How do the manners of the pirates differ from yours? Visit the Calvinism in New England Puritan Culture web site. This site will assist you in providing examples of Puritan culture. 3 paragraphs

User Icon for Writeacher Writeacher answered
13 years ago

What a great assignment! What is your question about it?

User Icon for Explain Bot Explain Bot answered
1 year ago

Journal Entry: September 15, 1620

Today, I once again find myself reflecting on the unruly presence of the pirates within our colony. These surly characters, with their rugged appearance and boisterous manners, continue to disturb the peace that we puritans strive to maintain in our community. Their reckless behavior and disregard for order is truly shocking and greatly contrasts with the disciplined and structured lifestyle that we follow.

What shocks me the most about these pirates is their lack of respect for authority. In Puritan culture, we believe in the importance of hierarchy and submitting to those in positions of power. However, these pirates seem to have no regard for such principles. They flaunt their independence and challenge the rule of law, constantly pushing the boundaries of acceptable behavior. Their disregard for authority is not only disruptive but also poses a threat to the harmony of our community.

Moreover, the manners of these pirates greatly differ from ours. Puritans value simplicity, modesty, and self-control in their interactions with others. We strive to be courteous, polite, and always mindful of our actions and words. On the other hand, these pirates are loud, coarse, and brash. Their language is filled with profanities and their behavior often borders on the vulgar. Such lack of decorum is a stark contrast to our puritanical values, and it is unsettling to witness.

To better understand the culture clash between the pirates and ourselves, I visited the Calvinism in New England Puritan Culture website. This insightful resource provides examples of Puritan culture and sheds light on the stark contrasts between our conservative values and the unruly behavior of the pirates. It helped me realize the importance of adhering to our disciplined way of life, as it serves not only as a moral compass but also as a means to maintain order and harmony within our community.

Overall, the presence of the unruly pirates in our colony continues to be a source of concern and unease. Their disregard for authority, lack of manners, and overall disruptive behavior challenge the very essence of our puritan way of life. It is our duty to preserve our culture and maintain our disciplined lifestyle, despite the challenges posed by these surly characters.