Assignment: Together We Stand Letter

Suppose you live in a new suburban community. It offers all the amenities and benefits of a tight-knit small community, with the benefits of living close to the big city. Some years pass, and several children and adults in the community start developing extensive and similar illnesses. You think this is clearly not a case of genetics, and become suspicious that something must have gone wrong in the development planning and execution of your community. You start researching and investigating possible causes for the illnesses plaguing the community and, upon digging further, find out that the gas company’s practices may be to blame for the calamity. You decide, at that point, to spread the word around your community about your findings so that everyone can unite in a fight for justice.

· Write a letter of approximately 500 words in length that you intend to have published by your local newspaper addressing your concerns with the public health of the community.

· Explain what strategies you applied when investigating the problem that helped foster critical thinking and lead you to the root cause of the inexplicable illnesses.

· Identify approaches the community could take together to arrive at possible solutions for the problem and settle the matter with the gas company.


To the Editor,

I would like to inform my suburban community about my investigations and research that I have been doing for the last couple of years to figure out why people from our community have been getting sick. Several members of this community have been affected from something far rather unexplainable to all, until today. I am standing up for all of us and letting all of you from our community know that the gas company is the blame for all of this. I conducted many experiments, and interviewed many of the sick adults who are hospitalized right now. They all have the same symptoms, and in my research for gas fumes, I found out that gas fumes can hurt our lungs.
The gas company may have had a leak and they were not aware of it either until today, when I let everyone know in our community. We cannot let this just pass us by, we must all stand together to let it be known that we will fight for our community. If gas fumes are inhaled for too long, we can become terminally ill. It is said that by inhaling these fumes, increased asthma, respiratory illness, and impaired lung functions can develop in time. (Wimberly 2000) “Natural gas is dirty compared to electricity. Studies by the California Institute of Technology and others have found that one breathes gas fumes when cooking. Gas fumes include methane itself, radon and other radioactive materials, BTEX (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene), organometallic compounds such as methylmercury organoarsenic and organolead, mercaptan odorants, nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, fine particulates, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, volatile organic compounds (including formaldehyde), and hundreds of other chemicals.”
The strategies that I applied in order to begin my investigations were; interviewing the sick patients, observing the gas companies employees and asking questions to them, conducting an experiment of my own with a lab rat. As I interviewed these poor ill people from our community, I found out that most of them had all the symptoms of impaired lung functions and respiratory illness. I thought to myself, this has to be the reason why something was wrong with our natural gas. My investigation continued at the gas company, where I found out that, employees had been missing days at work and other employees not being able to take the shifts. This concluded in a gas leakage that made our community suffer with consequences.
I am here today, to ask all members of my community to take a stand. Not just for us, but to the people that have lost lives and those who are fighting right now in the hospital for their lives. We need to fight for the right of our community, and have the gas company pay for every cent that we have used on doctor visits and medications. We need to fight to get what we deserve. We also need to fight and make the gas company hire extra employees, so that if someone is out sick, they have a back-up person to take his or her shift. By standing together as a community, we will make sure we are all heard and there is something done to stop this nightmare.
Thank you for standing together, and making a difference for our community and for our future leaders of this community (our children.)

User Icon for Writeacher Writeacher answered
13 years ago

Repetitive wording: "my investigations and research that I have been doing"
How can you fix this?

Incorrect preposition: "affected from"
What is the correct preposition?

Wordiness: "something far rather unexplainable"
Get rid of the unnecessary words.

More incorrect word choices: "and letting all of you from our community know that the gas company is the blame for all of this." ["from" should be "in" and "the blame" should be "to blame"]

These are the main types of things I see that need correcting throughout your paper. The content is fine, but the word choice in places is off. I suggest you find someone (NOT a classmate!!) who is willing to listen to you read your paper aloud and help you find and fix all these major and minor word choice errors.

These errors may seem like little things, unimportant things, but if you don't find and fix them all, your writing will not be polished, and your audience may not take you seriously.

User Icon for Explain Bot Explain Bot answered
1 year ago

Dear Editor,

I am writing this letter to raise awareness among our suburban community regarding a concerning issue that has been affecting the health of our residents. Over the past few years, an alarming number of children and adults have been falling ill with similar and extensive illnesses. As I delved deeper into this matter, it became clear that genetics alone cannot account for such a widespread occurrence, leading me to suspect that there may be a problem with the planning and execution of our community's development.

In my pursuit of the truth, I employed several strategies that fostered critical thinking and guided me to the root cause of these baffling illnesses. Firstly, I conducted numerous interviews with the sick adults who were hospitalized, carefully noting their symptoms and medical histories. Through these discussions, a pattern emerged, indicating a prevalence of impaired lung function and respiratory illnesses among the affected individuals.

Driven by this initial observation, I decided to explore the possibility of gas fume inhalation as a potential cause. Researching the effects of gas fumes on human health, I discovered that prolonged exposure to these fumes could lead to severe illnesses, including asthma and respiratory problems. I also found evidence suggesting that natural gas contains a range of harmful substances, such as methane, fine particulates, and volatile organic compounds, which further contributed to our community's health concerns.

Additionally, I investigated the practices of the gas company operating in our area. By observing their employees and engaging them in conversations, I learned that several workers had been regularly missing shifts or taking sick leave. This raised suspicion that a potential gas leak had occurred, causing our community to suffer the consequences. These collective strategies helped me piece together the clues and arrive at the conclusion that the gas company's practices may be to blame for our community's health crisis.

In light of these findings, I believe that it is crucial for our community to unite and pursue a course of action that will address this issue and hold the gas company accountable. To ensure that our concerns are heard and acted upon, we should consider the following approaches:

1. Spreading the word: As concerned members of the community, we should raise awareness about the situation by discussing our findings with friends, neighbors, and local organizations. By doing so, we can garner support and encourage others to join our cause.

2. Organizing community meetings: Holding regular meetings will enable us to discuss our concerns, share information, and formulate a plan of action. We should invite experts in environmental health and legal professionals who can provide guidance and support in dealing with the gas company.

3. Contacting local authorities and media: To put pressure on the gas company and ensure that our voices are heard, we should reach out to local authorities, such as the health department, and share our concerns. Additionally, we can write letters or articles for local newspapers, aiming to raise further awareness and initiate a public dialogue about this critical issue.

4. Seeking legal recourse: Engaging legal professionals can help us explore our options for holding the gas company accountable for the harm caused to our community. This may include filing a lawsuit to seek compensation for medical expenses and damages, as well as pushing for stricter regulations and oversight of their operations.

By taking these collective actions, our community can work together towards finding possible solutions to this problem and achieve justice for those affected. It is essential that we prioritize the health and well-being of our residents, and with unity and perseverance, we can ensure a safer and healthier future for everyone.

Thank you for considering my concerns and for providing a platform to address this urgent matter. Together, we can make a difference and protect the welfare of our community.


[Your Name]